6 Replies Latest reply on Apr 4, 2005 4:25 AM by pilhuhn




      there is now a fetchmail over pop3 mbean in JbossMail.
      The operation to fetch mail is pop().

      Configuration is done through MBean attributes:

       <mbean code="org.jboss.mail.fetchmail.Popper"
       <attribute name="Servername">localhost</attribute>
       <attribute name="PopPort">110</attribute>
       <attribute name="PopUser">heiko</attribute>
       <attribute name="Password">secret</attribute>
       <attribute name="LocalUser">heiko@localhost</attribute>
       <attribute name="DeleteAfterPop">true</attribute>

      - Servername: the server to fetch mail from
      - PopPort: the pop3 port of the server to fetch mail from
      - PopUser: the user account on the pop3 server
      - Password: the password on the pop3 server
      - LocalUser: the user@domain that the mail should be sent to locally
      - DeleteAfterPop: if true, delete the mail on the server. If false, leave it. This has another implication: if true: fetch all mail from the server, if false only fetch new mail.

      The configuration does not yet support pop over ssl and will also change somewhat in the future.
      See also JBMAIL-6 in JIRA.

        • 1. Re: fetchmail


          Looks good. A useful feature would be to have it automatically send mails to the addresses specified in the To/Cc/Bcc header of the mail message rather than specify the local user. A number of smaller companies delegate their incoming mail to their ISP and download all users' mail from a single POP mailbox.


          • 2. Re: fetchmail

            the code first was that way, assuming that local aliases would direct the mail to the correct local or remote receipients. That was discussed in the "Injection is evil" thread.
            I could add yet another switch to get this behaviour. But then the user needs to set up more and at other places as well - a potential source of confusion.


            • 3. Re: fetchmail

              Once again....mail listeners...decoupled...reused.

              • 4. Re: fetchmail

                Yes....I agree....My bad....Will read posts more clearly :-).

                • 5. Re: fetchmail

                  That was aimed more at Heiko than you :-)

                  • 6. Re: fetchmail

                    I won't have any spare time this week, but will have a look asap.
