0 Replies Latest reply on Aug 13, 2005 2:18 PM by acoliver

    JBMS 1.0-M3rc1 announced


      Read about the latest JBoss Mail Server 1.0 M3 release candidate here: http://jboss.org/jbossBlog/blog/acoliver/2005/08/13/JBoss_Mail_Server_1_0_Milestone_3RC1_released.txt

      There we a number of thing fixed since the pre-1. Also the pre-1 installation was problematic and umm...big. This cuts things to 30mb (mainly by trimming out everything but the default JBAS config).

      The Java Web Start is here (JDK5): http://jboss.sf.net/jnlp/jbms-1.0m3-rc1.jnlp
      The download is here (JDK5): http://download.jboss.com/jbossmail/install-jbms-1.0m3-rc1.jar
      The 1.4 download is here:

      I'm giving a talk on JBMS on Monday here: http://trijug.org/ before heading off to Chicago to teach Hibernate 3 for a couple of days. I'll still have some services duties but I'm now a dedicated resource for JBMS (let's just say the ratio is reversed) thanks primarily to the developers/volunteers who kept things going while I was latent and to the customers/potential customers who bugged about it! Thank you all.

      I'll be back at the end of the week and if all is well we'll cut the M3 release.
      For M4 we have an aggressive 1 month schedule that I will push back 5 days (M3 will be 5 days past the scheduled date of the 15th). I do have a trip to Japan in there (I'm pretty please about that).

      I can't wait for IMAP!

      Nuff said, now we have a lot of work to do. Let's kick some ass!