1 Reply Latest reply on Apr 26, 2006 4:49 PM by gmoran

    Quey on JasperReport


      Urgent Requirement please help.....!

      I am working on java swing and generating the JasperReport by using "iReport 1.2.0" software.

      my problem is I created a User Inter face by using java swings. this application contains text fields which takes the input from the user.

      I have to get the input values and fill the reports with that values (i.e dynamic values)

      Please anybody send the code which is suitable to my application or give any suggestions immediately.

      Thanks in Advance.

        • 1. Re: Quey on JasperReport

          Hello Rajan,

          My post may be too late, but it sounds like what you are trying to accomplish is dynamic report generation or possibly parameterized reporting - both of which the Pentaho platform can help you with.

          The platform is a solution based BI application that supports dynamic selection of data for inclusion in a report, as well as dynamic report templates. The Pentaho report engine (formerly JFreeReports) is the easiest to work with from the Pentaho perspective - we have a report design wizard to assist you in building reports and templates. You can also achieve similar results using the Pentaho components built-in for BIRT or JasperReports as well.

          You should download the demo, which is a preconfigured installation of JBoss AS, JBoss Portal, and Pentaho. The demo contains samples of dynamic reporting, delivered both through the portal and via JSP/servlet.

          You can get the latest demo at http://www.pentaho.org/download/latest.

          If you need any help getting your solution going, please don't hesitate to use our forums - our community is eager to help get new solutions up and running! http://www.pentaho.org/discussion.

          Pentaho Community Open Source-eress