3 Replies Latest reply on Feb 2, 2005 12:59 AM by anil.saldhana



      Are there any elements defined for jboss-web.xml deployment descriptor which identifies or corresponds to <jsp-descriptor> in weblogic.xml for weblogic8.1

        • 1. Re: jboss-web.xml

          You'll have to be more specific which elements of the jsp-descriptor you need. I don't think all of them have equivalents. (but on the bright side very few of them actually provide real value) I suggest poking around in the Tomcat forum for questions on a specific piece of functionality.

          • 2. Re: jboss-web.xml

            As we specify in weblogic.xml the following element


            </jsp-descriptor> when JSP's are used, how doe we map to thes in JBOSS. In which XML we need to map these corresponding to which elemnts inside it.

            • 3. Re: jboss-web.xml

              Tomcat uses a default web.xml in which it defines a servlet used for JSP compilation. The default web.xml is found in JBoss at /server/default/deploy/jbossweb-tomcat5x.sar/conf

              The following servlet definition applies to the compiler used for JSP

              <!-- The JSP page compiler and execution servlet, which is the mechanism -->
               <!-- used by Tomcat to support JSP pages. Traditionally, this servlet -->
               <!-- is mapped to the URL pattern "*.jsp". This servlet supports the -->
               <!-- following initialization parameters (default values are in square -->
               <!-- brackets): -->
               <!-- -->
               <!-- checkInterval If development is false and checkInterval is -->
               <!-- greater than zero, background compilations are -->
               <!-- enabled. checkInterval is the time in seconds -->
               <!-- between checks to see if a JSP page needs to -->
               <!-- be recompiled. [0] -->
               <!-- -->
               <!-- modificationTestInterval -->
               <!-- Causes a JSP (and its dependent files) to not -->
               <!-- be checked for modification during the -->
               <!-- specified time interval (in seconds) from the -->
               <!-- last time the JSP was checked for -->
               <!-- modification. A value of 0 will cause the JSP -->
               <!-- to be checked on every access. -->
               <!-- Used in development mode only. [4] -->
               <!-- -->
               <!-- compiler Which compiler Ant should use to compile JSP -->
               <!-- pages. See the Ant documentation for more -->
               <!-- information. [javac] -->
               <!-- -->
               <!-- classdebuginfo Should the class file be compiled with -->
               <!-- debugging information? [true] -->
               <!-- -->
               <!-- classpath What class path should I use while compiling -->
               <!-- generated servlets? [Created dynamically -->
               <!-- based on the current web application] -->
               <!-- -->
               <!-- development Is Jasper used in development mode? If true, -->
               <!-- the frequency at which JSPs are checked for -->
               <!-- modification may be specified via the -->
               <!-- modificationTestInterval parameter. [true] -->
               <!-- -->
               <!-- enablePooling Determines whether tag handler pooling is -->
               <!-- enabled [true] -->
               <!-- -->
               <!-- fork Tell Ant to fork compiles of JSP pages so that -->
               <!-- a separate JVM is used for JSP page compiles -->
               <!-- from the one Tomcat is running in. [true] -->
               <!-- -->
               <!-- ieClassId The class-id value to be sent to Internet -->
               <!-- Explorer when using <jsp:plugin> tags. -->
               <!-- [clsid:8AD9C840-044E-11D1-B3E9-00805F499D93] -->
               <!-- -->
               <!-- javaEncoding Java file encoding to use for generating java -->
               <!-- source files. [UTF8] -->
               <!-- -->
               <!-- keepgenerated Should we keep the generated Java source code -->
               <!-- for each page instead of deleting it? [true] -->
               <!-- -->
               <!-- mappedfile Should we generate static content with one -->
               <!-- print statement per input line, to ease -->
               <!-- debugging? [true] -->
               <!-- -->
               <!-- trimSpaces Should white spaces in template text between -->
               <!-- actions or directives be trimmed? [false] -->
               <!-- -->
               <!-- suppressSmap Should the generation of SMAP info for JSR45 -->
               <!-- debugging be suppressed? [false] -->
               <!-- -->
               <!-- dumpSmap Should the SMAP info for JSR45 debugging be -->
               <!-- dumped to a file? [false] -->
               <!-- False if suppressSmap is true -->
               <!-- -->
               <!-- genStrAsCharArray Should text strings be generated as char -->
               <!-- arrays, to improve performance in some cases? -->
               <!-- [false] -->
               <!-- -->
               <!-- errorOnUseBeanInvalidClassAttribute -->
               <!-- Should Jasper issue an error when the value of -->
               <!-- the class attribute in an useBean action is -->
               <!-- not a valid bean class? [true] -->
               <!-- -->
               <!-- scratchdir What scratch directory should we use when -->
               <!-- compiling JSP pages? [default work directory -->
               <!-- for the current web application] -->
               <!-- -->
               <!-- xpoweredBy Determines whether X-Powered-By response -->
               <!-- header is added by generated servlet [false] -->
               <!-- -->
               <!-- If you wish to use Jikes to compile JSP pages: -->
               <!-- Set the init parameter "compiler" to "jikes". Define -->
               <!-- the property "-Dbuild.compiler.emacs=true" when starting Tomcat -->
               <!-- by adding the above to your CATALINA_OPTS environment variable. -->
               <!-- If you get an error reporting that jikes can't use UTF8 encoding, -->
               <!-- try setting the init parameter "javaEncoding" to "ISO-8859-1". -->