1 Reply Latest reply on Apr 27, 2005 1:12 PM by raster3

    my ejb exploded



      Is it possible to create an ear in exploded form as a directory inside server/default/deploy?

      I tried doing that it worked for an exploded ear that conatined an exploded war directory.

      I am having some problems with a exploded ejb jar directory inside the exploded ear. Specifically I get an exception- jndi NamingException.
      local/ejbName is not found. Also when the server starts up it does not show the ejbs in the console when I put them in exploded form.

      The same ear works when put in as a compressed archive with war and jars in it also as archives.

      P.S.: I am having a ejb-jar.xml, a empty jboss.xml and as of now no entity beans and hence no column mapping xml.