1 Reply Latest reply on Mar 24, 2006 3:59 PM by jjdepaul

    Locating source code bundle for Duke's Bank J2EE app...


      I've been trying to find the Duke's Bank code bundle on Sun site but no luck... I've searched high and low and I cannot locate the code bundle referenced in the "Getting Started with JBoss" 3.2.3 document...

      All links seem to point me to the following sun site: http://java.sun.com/javaee/downloads/index.html

      I've located the tutorial PDF on the site, and installed JDKEE1.3 but the samples that come with it have the cmpcustomer example and NOT the Duke's Bank code bundle I need...

      Could someone point me to a place where I can download the code - really would like to complete the tutorial.
