5 Replies Latest reply on Oct 23, 2006 10:30 AM by peterj

    jboss postgresql pooling


      I have setup a datasource and pooling to use with my java and postgresql database. I have 2 questions:
      1.) For max-pool-size, what is the biggest amount you can use? 1000, 100000...?
      2.) Cant one just use the biggest number here, if not why?
      3.) We have 3 databases, each with its own pool. Is there a total amount of max-pool-size that we can have between the three of them, or can it be anything?

        • 1. Re: jboss postgresql pooling

          1) I think MAX_INT (or MAX_LONG). :-)
          2) You probably will not want to use MAX_INT because each pooled resource uses memory (space in the Java heap) and you only have so much available. How many you should set really depends on how many concurrent users you think that your application will have, and how many connections each user needs (I have seen apps that required 2 connections per user). However, you do not need a connection for every user logged in (unless your application is not well written - the app should hold a connection for as little a time as possible). See http://wiki.jboss.org/wiki/Wiki.jsp?page=SPECjAppServer2002TuningComponentsASDataSource for suggested settings (you will need to know that for each IR there are 8 concurrent users, for example, an IR of 50 means 400 concurrent users, and each user needs a connection)
          3) The only issue is total memory usage. There is no "maximum connections among all pooled databases" value.

          • 2. Re: jboss postgresql pooling

            Sory, what is IR?

            • 3. Re: jboss postgresql pooling

              IR stands for Injection Rate, a term used in SpecJAppServer to signify the amount of load placed on the system.

              • 4. Re: jboss postgresql pooling

                I want to connect PostgreSQL8.1 server with JBoss 4.0.0.Please give me step by step details for connection.I use eclipse IDE.

                • 5. Re: jboss postgresql pooling

                  First, you should have started a new post, not added your question to the end of an unrelated post.

                  Second, you did not say what you wanted to use the database for. JBoss already uses the Hypersonic database for JMS and a few other tasks, did you want to replace that database? Or, do you have an application that needs a database and you want to set up a database for that application?

                  Finally, did you really mean version 4.0.0 of JBoss AS, or perhaps 4.0.4 or 4.0.5? I ask because 4.0.0 is over two years old.