1. Re: Old documentation published as JBoss 5
gt4431b Mar 20, 2008 12:11 AM (in response to kurt_olsen)"kurt_olsen" wrote:
The documentation published for JBoss5 is 4.2 documentation that is a year old. From my perspective this kind of thing makes it very easy to dismiss JBoss as a serious product. A mistake like this confuses people and slows acceptance dont you think?
Good grief yes! I've dabbled in JBoss in on-again, off-again fashion, and only recently have started getting serious about using it.
The documentation is published under the name of JBoss5, but it's seriously deficient. I'm currently struggling with what should be the simple task of setting the server up to use MySql 5. The documentation instructs me to find a file from docs/examples/jms, mysql-jdbc2-service.xml. This file doesn't exist. I've tried hacking it a couple of different ways, from modifying the existing hs variant of the file, to trying to find an old copy of this file from a previous release. It ain't working.
I'm a fairly busy guy. I hate having to mess with things that are supposed to be easy. I don't really have time to mess with it. It makes me cringe to think of what I'll have to deal with once I'm past these "easy" bits and on to more meat-and-potatoes type difficulty.
Are the new docs for JBoss 5 in development? I'd love to see what's there, even in half-baked state.
Or should I just go ahead, drop everything and start hacking glassfish? -
2. Re: Old documentation published as JBoss 5
peterj Mar 20, 2008 11:23 AM (in response to kurt_olsen)Regarding switching to MySQL on JBoss5. Yes, old instructions will not work. The file you are looking for is for the old JBossMQ messaging service - that has been replaced in the JBoss5 with the new JBoss Messgaing. Your best bet is to read the documentation that comes with JBoss Messaging to get if set up. Other than that, supplying a *-ds.xml file in place of hsqldb-ds.xml should be all there is to it.
I have some resources that explain this in some detail, and I know it works with beta3 and beta4, but it is not free. I can supply the url if you like. -
3. Re: Old documentation published as JBoss 5
gt4431b Mar 20, 2008 10:53 PM (in response to kurt_olsen)I've supplied the -ds.xml file, and that works fine. It's the other file that's causing my hernia. I can only assume that I will need the JBoss-5-equivalent of this file in order to use JMS against my MySql db.
Thanks for the tip on jboss messaging. It's not too clear, from what docs I've seen, which parts and versions of what components are bundled with JBossAS.
For your resources Peter: not-free as in speech, or as in beer? I'll consider either one so long as the cost either way is not too high. I'd love to see what's behind the url you're offering.
To add some more thoughts to the original thread: What really impressed me in the past about JBoss was that you could just turn it on, and with a minimum amount of configuration it would just *work*. This was never true for other app servers I've been forced to work with, like Weblogic, Sun JES, or (*shudder*) Websphere. It may not be production battle-ready, but it will at least work.
I'm now coming back to JBoss to see what's all involved in a major production outlay, and I'm struggling with *dev* issues. This scares me a bit. Most of this involves the lack of documentation, but it seems subjectively that it's a little bit more complex for the administrator now than it used to be. Maybe it's my imagination. (I seem to remember that documentation was well-available in the days of the JBoss 3 beta.)
I was always a bit leery of the JBoss buyout, in terms of the quality of product that would be delivered ever after. Does anyone know what's going on in JBoss's collective consciousness? -
4. Re: Old documentation published as JBoss 5
jaikiran Mar 21, 2008 12:38 AM (in response to kurt_olsen)"gt4431b" wrote:
To add some more thoughts to the original thread: What really impressed me in the past about JBoss was that you could just turn it on, and with a minimum amount of configuration it would just *work*. This was never true for other app servers I've been forced to work with, like Weblogic, Sun JES, or (*shudder*) Websphere. It may not be production battle-ready, but it will at least work.
I'm now coming back to JBoss to see what's all involved in a major production outlay, and I'm struggling with *dev* issues. This scares me a bit. Most of this involves the lack of documentation, but it seems subjectively that it's a little bit more complex for the administrator now than it used to be. Maybe it's my imagination. (I seem to remember that documentation was well-available in the days of the JBoss 3 beta.)
I was always a bit leery of the JBoss buyout, in terms of the quality of product that would be delivered ever after. Does anyone know what's going on in JBoss's collective consciousness?
Remember, JBoss5 is still in a Beta stage. JBoss-4.2.2 is the latest stable verison available and works with the same minimum amount of configuration that you would expect for JBoss. In JBoss5 there have been many changes to the core components because of which you are seeing these issues. Hopefully, once JBoss5 becomes stable, you can get it to work without struggling with the issues that you mention. -
5. Re: Old documentation published as JBoss 5
peterj Mar 21, 2008 1:40 PM (in response to kurt_olsen)When you configure JBoss Messaging to use MySQL, make sure you get the correct version of JBoss Messaging. When I went through the step to do this with beta4 I mistakenly used an incorrect Messaging version and spent most of a day scratching my head as to why it did not work. The misleading error message did not help. Anyway, JBossAS 5.0.0.beta4 uses Messaging 1.4.1.beta1.
The book JBoss in Action (http://www.manning.com/jamae), which is based on JBossAS 5.0, has a chapter on JBoss Messaging and describes how to set Messaging up to use a database. The example given in the book is specific to PostgreSQL, but the steps work equally well with MySQL (keeping the page count down prevented me from providing the steps for both databases, but the source code that will accompany the book handles both). And chapter 15 provides the rest of the steps necessary to switch from Hypersonic to another database. -
6. Re: Old documentation published as JBoss 5
gt4431b Mar 22, 2008 4:43 PM (in response to kurt_olsen)"PeterJ" wrote:
When you configure JBoss Messaging to use MySQL, make sure you get the correct version of JBoss Messaging. When I went through the step to do this with beta4 I mistakenly used an incorrect Messaging version and spent most of a day scratching my head as to why it did not work. The misleading error message did not help. Anyway, JBossAS 5.0.0.beta4 uses Messaging 1.4.1.beta1.
The book JBoss in Action (http://www.manning.com/jamae), which is based on JBossAS 5.0, has a chapter on JBoss Messaging and describes how to set Messaging up to use a database. The example given in the book is specific to PostgreSQL, but the steps work equally well with MySQL (keeping the page count down prevented me from providing the steps for both databases, but the source code that will accompany the book handles both). And chapter 15 provides the rest of the steps necessary to switch from Hypersonic to another database.
Sounds like that's precisely the same problem I'm having. Thanks lots for the assist!