1. Re: eclipse + jboss + web services
peterj Oct 27, 2008 12:00 PM (in response to kotoko)There is JBoss Tools plugin for Eclipse and it has a tutorial at http://docs.jboss.org/tools/2.1.0.GA/en/GettingStartedGuide/html/index.html, but I could not see anything about web services there.
Personally, when I learn a new technology I limit myself to using a text editor and code, compile and build everything by hand. This way I understand the technology better (because there are no tools hiding things from me) and if things go wrong I know it is because of something I did, and not because the tool goofed. A quick scan of some of the forums will show that many people have problems getting things done in Eclipse but they work just fine if done manually without using Eclipse.
Finally, JBossAS uses Tomcat (actually, a variation of Tomcat known as JBoss Web Server) as the servlet container. -
2. Re: eclipse + jboss + web services
renani Dec 8, 2008 8:03 AM (in response to kotoko)Hi,
The tutorial here was for JBoss developer Studio, not Eclipse plugin with Jboss Tools.
I'm having problem with understanding how to create a project in Eclipse with Jboss tools. The tutorials I've found refer to using the new project..wizard and choose j2ee under the JBoss IDE. There is no such thing. The tutorials are written for earlier version of Jboss tools I assume.
The new project categories which have Jboss in the name now is JBoss jBPM and JBoss tools Web.
I've red severel getting started guides from this communities, but the information in these documents were old.
Is there an updated tutorial for Eclipse JBoss tools (NOT JBoss developer studio)? -
3. Re: eclipse + jboss + web services
peterj Dec 8, 2008 1:22 PM (in response to kotoko)What version of Eclipse and what version of JBoss Tools?
The tutorial should be right one (though I admit it might be dated) because, from my understanding, Dev Studio is the supported version and Tools is the community version, but the code base is the same. Also, that is the tutorial linked to from the Tools web page. -
4. Re: eclipse + jboss + web services
kgreen169 Jan 27, 2009 11:28 PM (in response to kotoko)I also am looking for a tutorial for jboss and webservices. I did find this http://www.learntechnology.net/content/webservices/jboss_webservices.jsp.
But at the moment I am having no luck getting jboss started correctly after deploying the jbossws module. -
5. Re: eclipse + jboss + web services
peterj Jan 28, 2009 10:45 AM (in response to kotoko)Are you using Eclipse 3.4.x and JBoss Tools 3.0.0? If so, look at this: http://docs.jboss.org/tools/3.0.0.CR1/en/ws_ref_guide/html/topdown.html