1 Reply Latest reply on Apr 30, 2009 2:21 AM by danydyn

    Javassist, j2ee 1.3, eclipse


      I am developing a EJB project for weblogic 8.1 server, in eclipse, using hibernate for persistence.
      My project has a j2ee 1.3 facet, since this is the version weblogic 8.1 requires.

      Hibernate requires to put the javassist 3.4 jar in the project's classpath, but when I do it I get an error from eclipse: Facet version for Enterprise Application project MyProject must be 5.0 to contain Java EE 5.0 project lib javassist-3.4.GA.jar.

      Any ideas?

        • 1. Re: Javassist, j2ee 1.3, eclipse

          After removing the manifest file from the jar, eclipse finally puts it in the classpath.
          I inquired, and it seems that only when the Manifest-version:1.1 and Specification-version:3.4 lines in the manifest file are deleted, eclipse agrees to accept the jar.

          Why is that?