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1. Re: Javassist version 3.6.0.GA maven2
skarzhevskyy Mar 4, 2008 2:00 PM (in response to johanhaleby)Is there the person responsible for uploading latest Javassist to maven central repository? How this is done in
If this is regular manual process I can suggest myself to do this.
I'm uploading 3rd party projects like: regularly.
Also I maintain and They all need the latest Javassist in repository. My project are uploaded to central repository automatically by rsync. -
2. Re: Javassist version 3.6.0.GA maven2
skarzhevskyy Mar 4, 2008 10:38 PM (in response to johanhaleby)Sorry for confusion
Howard M. Lewis Ship Already created upload request for version 3.7 on 28/Feb/08