1. Re: Potential problem with thread usage in pingers and lease
starksm64 Mar 14, 2006 11:26 AM (in response to timfox)Right. Look at using the org.jboss.util.TimerQueue, and this should be an injectable element that could be picked up from a kernel/server level instance.
2. Re: Potential problem with thread usage in pingers and lease
timfox Mar 15, 2006 3:16 AM (in response to timfox)Added JIRA task:
http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBREM-342 -
3. Re: Potential problem with thread usage in pingers and lease
tom.elrod Mar 21, 2006 2:23 AM (in response to timfox)Done
4. Re: Potential problem with thread usage in pingers and lease
timfox Mar 21, 2006 2:41 AM (in response to timfox)If all the pingers for a single client are using the same TimerQueue, the ping requests will be sent in sequence, right?
If the client has 100 connections open, and needs to ping each one. And each ping invocation takes 500 ms (for the sake of argument), then we can only ever produce a max. of 1 ping per 50 seconds for each connection.
So the max ping period is going to vary as A + Bn where A and B are constants and n is the number of connections. (something like this).
Only way I can see around this is to make sure the client ping period is configurable separately from the lease period and in general make the ping period much less than the lease period. -
5. Re: Potential problem with thread usage in pingers and lease
starksm64 Mar 21, 2006 12:26 PM (in response to timfox)Any shared timer thread (be it a single thread or a pool) needs to have the timer dispatch managed so that notifications are not lost due to an inability to keep up with expirations. The timer event should just be marking a connection as needing a ping/pong event rather than actually sending it.
For massive connection counts, we will may have to have a notion of coalescing ping events into windows of time with a timer event marking sets of connections as ready.
The timer layer probably needs a notion of not keeping up with expirations. This is something like if the next computed expiration is less than or equal to 0 for some extended period of time, the timer layer does not have enough threads. -
6. Re: Potential problem with thread usage in pingers and lease
tom.elrod Mar 22, 2006 1:39 AM (in response to timfox)Have added behavior so there is now a lease window in which the ping must be received within. Initially, this window is the same value as the lease period. If the time it takes for the ping to come in (calling this the ping duration) is longer than half the ping window, the window will be increased to twice that of the ping duration. See jira issue for more details.
7. Re: Potential problem with thread usage in pingers and lease
dlofthouse Apr 18, 2006 6:49 AM (in response to timfox)I am currently looking at a related issue to this in how timers are used within the app server.
I have looked at the remoting code and I can see remoting did switch to using the 'TimerQueue' but at the point it was converted to a singleton you have switched back to 'java.util.Timer' was this switch intended? -
8. Re: Potential problem with thread usage in pingers and lease
tom.elrod Apr 18, 2006 7:26 AM (in response to timfox)Tim found that the behavior of the TimerQueue was not going to work for what we wanted. IIRC, the issue was that if a task was rescheduled, the original task was not getting removed.
9. Re: Potential problem with thread usage in pingers and lease
starksm64 Apr 25, 2006 1:11 AM (in response to timfox)So we are back to unbounded threads for handling timeouts?
10. Re: Potential problem with thread usage in pingers and lease
tom.elrod Apr 25, 2006 2:45 AM (in response to timfox)No. The java.util.Timer used for leasing is basically a singleton. For every client lease that is established, a TimerTask will be scheduled with the same Timer instance. The Timer uses a single thread for executing the TimerTasks. So will only be one thread used regardless of the number of clients.