4 Replies Latest reply on May 22, 2006 8:21 AM by tom.elrod

    Changes to Client that require connect() be called

      This topic is in reference to http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBREM-366

      The remoting code has been changed to use reference counting for client invokers created instead of re-creating new instances if the current one is invalid/not connected. This is not efficient and error prone, so have changed the code to use reference counting within InvokerRegistry. This change also currently requires users to call connect() method on the Client before using it (where previously just constructing a Client instance would be sufficient to allow for calling invoke() method even though proper way was to call connect() first).

      So my question is if this new way is acceptable? Meaning, having to call connect() every time after a Client is constructed (otherwise getting exception thrown if call invoke() method).

        • 1. Re: Changes to Client that require connect() be called

          BTW, one of the reason I think this is reasonable is that calling disconnect() *is* required when finsihed using Client, so having to call connect() before using Client seems logical.

          • 2. Re: Changes to Client that require connect() be called

            From my POV this is fine.

            • 3. Re: Changes to Client that require connect() be called

              not sure what it means to clean up a client invoker once it is finished with it. Does this mean closing the socket? If so, then this new approach is bad. The whole idea of keeping connections around on the client is avoid opening connections to the server (which is expensive). Also, referencing counting is never really a great idea either as the VM does this for you. You might be better off with weak references.

              • 4. Re: Changes to Client that require connect() be called

                Each Client contains a reference to a client invoker (e.g. SocketClientInvoker, RMIClientInvoker, etc.). Is possible to have multiple Clients for the same server, which in remoting means they use the same invoker locator (e.g. socket://myhost.com:8900). The Client actually gets their client invoker instances from the InvokerRegistry. So when the first Client gets a client invoker for locator socket://myhost.com:8900 from the InvokerRegistry, a new one will be created. If another Client gets a client invoker for locator socket://myhhost.com:8900, it will get a reference to the one already created. If either of these Clients calls disconnect(), the InvokerRegistry will know that there is still another Cient referencing the client invoker and do nothing. If the second Client calls disconnect, InvokerRegistry will see no one else has a reference to the client invoker and is ok to close any client socket connections.