3 Replies Latest reply on Feb 7, 2004 2:52 AM by juha

    Minor violation of the j2ee 1.4 spec on JBoss 3.2.3


      I posted on JBoss/EJB forum:

      JBoss tries to deploy libraries that are mentioned in ejb-jar's Manifest.
      It seems to me, that this is violation of the section 8.2 on j2ee 1.4 spec.

      Found it accidentally by messing up with jar-creation.

        • 1. Re: Minor violation of the j2ee 1.4 spec on JBoss 3.2.3

          I haven't looked yet but does if violate the J2EE 1.3 spec.

          JBoss does not support J2EE 1.4 untill JBoss 4.

          • 2. Re: Minor violation of the j2ee 1.4 spec on JBoss 3.2.3

            I scanned quickly j2ee 1.3 specification. It does not deny deploying modules through manifest file. Nor does it require the container to do so.

            The 1.4 spec is much more detailed and easier to understand than the 1.3.

            The 1.3 spec says:
            If the module is a type that contains JAR format files (for example, web and Connector modules), all classes in .jar files within the module referenced from other JAR files within the module using the Class-Path manifest header must be included in the deployment.

            and in an another section:
            All classes in .jar files referenced from other JAR files using the Class-Path
            manifest header must be included in the deployment.


            • 3. Re: Minor violation of the j2ee 1.4 spec on JBoss 3.2.3

              The packaging spec is a mess at least until 1.4, don't know if J2EE 1.4 improves the situation much or not.