1 Reply Latest reply on Nov 9, 2003 6:52 AM by julien1

    jboss support configuration file/code for php


      to add php support to apache i'm told to edit httpd.conf and add "LoadModule php4_module c:/php/sapi/php4appache.dll", "AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .php3 .phtml", and "AddType application/xhttpd-php-source .phps"

      what file should i edit for jboss that is analygous to apache httpd.conf?

      what are the proper configuration lines and syntax?

      when my ".php" page runs under jboss, the <?php ... ?> code is interpreted as on long, invalid HTML tag, and thus ignored.

      I'm told i need to turn-on PHP support on my Web server.

        • 1. Re: jboss support configuration file/code for php

          I don't know jack about it. Nukes in written in Java and does not rely on PHP at all. Why do you want to add php code ?

          If you really want to add php to your server you should have apache as front end of jboss+tomcat with the ajp protocol and install the php module as well. but you will have nukes on what side and php and the other side.
