15. Re: want to create hello world example using eclipse+Jboss+N
theute Aug 24, 2004 12:45 PM (in response to vebs)I made few changes, because i updated SettingUpClasspath yesterday so it's up to date.
Good job otherwise, thanks. -
16. Re: want to create hello world example using eclipse+Jboss+N
theute Aug 24, 2004 1:09 PM (in response to vebs)Ok, i finally found what i was looking for.
The problem:
Eclipse compiles everything by default in the /bin directory. When you start an ant script, it builds everything that is needed to be built into /[module]/bin/output/classes
The solution:
Defines the output directories for every src/main folder, i couldn't figure out how to do that, but there was that checkbox "Allow output folders for source folders" in the java build path.
So it's actually easy, click that checkbox and expand the sources directory above, you should have: "included", "excluded" and "Output flder", click on "Ouput folder" then "Edit" and point to "output/classes" for every src file. So the step of adding all ouput/class to the classpath is not needed anymore.
Anyone to update the wiki ? :) -
17. Re: want to create hello world example using eclipse+Jboss+N
theute Aug 24, 2004 2:04 PM (in response to vebs)Sorry,
this is not fully working the problem is about the XDoclet generated files. First solution was simpler, it compiles twice the sources but it's ok... -
18. Re: want to create hello world example using eclipse+Jboss+N
vebs Aug 24, 2004 4:36 PM (in response to vebs)Hi,
I get rid of maximum problems. but still some errors are there like
Project nukes_test is missing required library:
Vebs -
19. Re: want to create hello world example using eclipse+Jboss+N
theute Aug 24, 2004 5:05 PM (in response to vebs)You probably mistyped something, you are missing some "/", the first 3 in "jboss-3.2.3"
and worse, Eclipse has nothing to of with the tmp directory of JBoss.
Check again your configuration and .classpath -
20. confusing Eclipse setup
joehobson Aug 25, 2004 2:31 AM (in response to vebs)Don't feel bad, you're not the only one that has been confused by how to setup a development environment for Nukes in Eclipse. I wrote most of whats on the UsingEclipse wiki because the only info i could find was scattered throughout forum postings (and most of it outdated). So what's there may not be the best, but it was better than nothin.
I think that the easier we make it to get new developers setup with Nukes, the more likely we are to have more help on this project. Thanks for everyone that has tried to help out those of us not as familiar with Java and Eclipse. Your kindness will eventually be rewarded with coding help. ... .joe -
21. Re: want to create hello world example using eclipse+Jboss+N
vebs Aug 25, 2004 12:29 PM (in response to vebs)Hi to all,
I tried all thing availabel on net and at present i am getting errors like
CommentEJBLocal cannot be resolved (or is not a valid return type) for the method getCommentLocal NewsDAO.java project_1/news/src/main/org/jboss/nukes/addons/modules/news/utils line 604
CategoryEJBLocal cannot be resolved or is not a type BBModule.java project_1/bb/src/main/org/jboss/nukes/addons/modules/bb line 5308
So what to do now to remove these errors and eclipse IDE still
100 errors
vebs -
22. Re: want to create hello world example using eclipse+Jboss+N
theute Aug 25, 2004 12:36 PM (in response to vebs)There are as many methods to setup an eclipse project as people using Eclipse, but do not mix the methods.
Restart from scratch if you are not sure what you are doing and follow the instructions in the wiki pages
The answer to your problem is still the same:
Generate the files by launching build.sh in build directory then add all the output/classes to your classpath.