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1. Re: Does the Portal Container 2.0 support Roll Based Access?
julien1 Apr 6, 2008 7:14 PM (in response to jksmartt)it supports portletRequest.isUserInRole(String roleName).
the out of the box configuration does not provide any security configuration, for that you should tweak the web.xml of the simple portal war to use protect the JSP you want to be protected using servlet container security. -
2. Re: Does the Portal Container 2.0 support Roll Based Access?
julien1 Apr 6, 2008 7:15 PM (in response to jksmartt)I think actually that we should provided that configuration for the admin page that in a similar way that JBoss AS defines it for the JMX console.
3. Re: Does the Portal Container 2.0 support Roll Based Access?
jksmartt Apr 8, 2008 1:20 PM (in response to jksmartt)I think that would be very useful.