0 Replies Latest reply on Aug 18, 2008 6:16 AM by vishalstudent123

    Portlet instance Admin



      I'm trying to implement the admin preferences. Where the admin can change default values for a portlet instance that will be reflected for everyone viewing that page. Allowing administrators to easily tweak values such as the number of images to display in each column/row for a category portlet for example. This can be done in the admin portlet, but it can be difficult for non-programmers to understand how instances are configured and which instance is displayed on which page. Which is why I also want a admin GUI layout for portlets.

      I have seen the thread: http://www.jboss.com/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&t=139028 but i also saw this in the API of 2.6.3:

      There are two different types of preferences:

      modifiable preferences - these preferences can be changed by the portlet in any standard portlet mode (EDIT, HELP, VIEW). Per default every preference is modifiable.
      read-only preferences - these preferences cannot be changed by the portlet in any standard portlet mode, but may be changed by administrative modes. Preferences are read-only, if the are defined in the deployment descriptor with read-only set to true, or if the portlet container restricts write access.

      So i went about making preferences read-only and set up a custom view:


      allowed my "admin" to edit instance preferences:


      But when trying to write to the value i get a error:

      javax.portlet.ReadOnlyException: Key foo cannot be written

      Also when i am looking at the admin portlet logged in as admin i cannot click on the value for a portlet varible where i can change it. Other preferences in other portlets not mark as "read-only" can be changed.

      It's like the admin cannot write to the values. Is there something i am missing? I'm using the same default admin that was set when i downloaded it.

      Is there something i need to for admin to write to read only values ?