0 Replies Latest reply on Oct 10, 2008 9:58 AM by cpage

    permission bug ?


      I noticed a strange behaviour in permissions.
      When i initialize a PortalObjectPermission (or an InstancePermission) with some actions, the "getActions()" function return different actions.
      For example :

      PortalObjectPermission perm = new PortalObjectPermission(myPageId, "view");
      String actions = perm.getActions(); // --> return create,personalizerecursive,dashboardrecursive
      perm = new PortalObjectPermission(myPageId, "personalize");
      actions = perm.getActions(); // --> return personalizerecursive,dashboardrecursive

      In getActions(), to have same actions, i replace
      int mask = 2 >> i;

      by :
      int mask = 1 << i;

      If it's not a bug, can you explain please ?