0 Replies Latest reply on Nov 13, 2009 2:59 PM by rino.laragione

    Web data entry question

      Hi everybody

      I need to create a small web application that uses a portal to reach users over the intranet.
      Portal should do standard user authentication and page management.
      Now I need a portlet, or a set of tools to create something similar to a MS access application.

      I've searched the net and found out that the only two system that fit my needs are:

      1 - http://wiki.marvelit.com/index.php?titl ... rt_Portlet
      2 - http://www.datawarestudio.com

      Has somebody ever tried them?
      Or, otherwise, does somebody has different solutions (it must be alternatives that requires only few skills in sql and non java programming)?

      Thank's in advance