9 Replies Latest reply on Jan 31, 2005 11:33 AM by starksm64

    Deployers overview

      This is definition document so I don't have to repeat everything on the JIRA tasks


      The deployer architecture is made up of the following components:

      VDF - Virtual Deployment Framework
      The VDF works to abstract
      deployments meaning the deployers don't have to deal with
      the physical structure/protocol of the deployments.
      It is responsible for abstracting away:
      packed/unpacked deployments
      copying remote/nested deployments to a temp location
      supplying logical urls for users/config/codebase-protectiondomain/etc
      supplying physical urls for classloading/debugging/etc

      VDF Context
      A VDF context identifies a deployment/subdeployment
      holding the information that is identifed by the
      structural component deployers.

      A deployer is made up two components.
      1) A structural component that says it recognises a particular
      deployment and deconstructs the deployment into its VDF contexts.
      2) A deployment component that looks at the deployment
      and constructs the objects.

      Like the current main deployer it is reponsible for
      deploy(URL) and undeploy(URL). It also serves as a registry
      for the other deployers.

      Any bean that implements the "Deployer interface"
      will be registered/unregistered with the MainDeployer
      as it is instantiated.
      Since the structural components have no dependencies
      they can be instantiated early and the deployments

      Deployment Chains
      Both the structural and deployment components
      of the deployers are stored inside the MainDeployer registry
      as a chain in a "priority" order.

      Structural Chain
      For the structural chain, the first deployer in "priority" order
      to recognise the deployer wins.
      All deployments/subdeployments must be structurally recognised
      before the deployment chain is processed.

      Deployment Chain
      Each deployer gets to process the deployment in the "priority" order.
      The chain is processed depth first, i.e. priority order over all
      deployments/subdeployments before moving to the next in the chain

      Structural Component More Detail
      To construct the VDF context the structural component must be
      able to identify:
      1) The set of urls that make up the deployment classpath
      2) The location of the metadata, e.g. META-INF, WEB-INF, etc.
      3) The set of possible subdeployments

      Deployment Component More Detail
      This does the job of deployment for this VDF context
      (not subcontexts/deployments).
      We want to aim to use the deployment specific
      metadata to create microcontainer metadata that can be installed
      (instantiated/configured) according to dependencies.
      But there are thirdparty components where complete control
      of the construction/config is not under IOC/microcontainer control

      RAW Deployers

      Classloading Deployer
      This has no structural component.
      It forms the highest priority (first) deployment component
      since very little else can be done reliably until the classes
      are available.
      It takes it info from the urls identified by the structural
      deployments in the VDF contexts.

      JAR Deployer
      This is the lowest priority (last) structural component.
      It takes jars/zips and top level directories (not sub deployments)
      and adds the url to the VDF context for classloading.
      There is no deployment component.

      Bean Deployer
      The priority of this deployer is unimportant.
      Structural component
      It takes .bean with a (META-INF/jboss-bean.xml)
      or plain -bean.xml files that contain raw microcontainer
      config in xml format.
      It identifies the root of the .bean archive (or expanded deployment)
      as the classloader url.
      Any file in the root of the .bean is eligible as a subdeployment.
      Deployment component
      Parses the -bean.xml and installs it into the microcontainer

      A profile serves as a collection of deployments.
      The simplest implementation is the current JBoss directory
      structure, i.e. a static config and a hot deploy config.
      A more useful implementation for production
      is a versioned/persistent list of deployments.
      The profile feeds URLs to the main deployer.

      Other Deployers

      Hot Deployment Profile
      The hot deployment profile will need the mechanisms
      to order deployments like current JBoss

        • 2. Re: Deployers overview


          "Dimitris" wrote:

          Lets say we have:


          And just 3 deployers, registered in that priority order:

          (C)lassLoadingDeployer -> (B)eanDeployer -> (J)ARDeployer.

          After the deployment structure is analyzed (by the bean & jar deployers) we have the corresponding DeploymentContext/subcontexts in place with each one having recorded its own url as a classpath.

          How 2nd stage deployment processing would work in this case, wrt depth and priority (.jar comes before .bean, according to suffix rules)

          C(c.jar) C(b.bean) C(a.bean)
          B(c.jar) B(b.bean) B(a.bean)
          J(c.jar) J(b.bean) J(a.bean)


          C(c.jar) B(c.jar) J(c.jar)
          C(b.bean) B(b.bean) J(b.bean)
          C(a.bean) B(a.bean) J(a.bean)

          Also, in the 1st case, should the MainDeployer control the traversal, or simply pass the base context to each deployer, and he traverses at will?

          Finally, what would the ClassLoadingDeployer do?

          Judging from the 3.x/4.x mechanism it seems to be creating a UCL for the base node, then adding the classpath of all subnodes to this UCL. (but processing here is parent first).

          Should I just go to the top most deployment, create a plain URLClassLoader, add all classpaths, and point to it from subcontexts?

          • 3. Re: Deployers overview

            The second stage deployers still need to ordered, but it may not be the
            same order as the structural orders.

            The difference is that ALL second stage deployers get to process the deployment.

            The second stage deployers create the BeanMetaData and (un)install it to the kernel.

            They DO NOT create objects explicitly, except where it would make no difference
            to dependency ordering. e.g. There is little point telling the BeanMetaData to
            instantatiate a java.lang.Integer through metadata when you can just pass the object
            directly as the value (this assumes you have the object already rather than just a string).

            So the ordering is less important at the second stage and only becomes relevent
            when one deployer wants to process metadata created by a previous deployer.

            This response is a repeat of a discussion we had at the end of last year.

            • 4. Re: Deployers overview

              It would not be a good idea to have the deployers know their own "next"
              since the list can be potentially built and ordered dynamically.

              • 5. Re: Deployers overview

                The points you mention are clear more less, i.e. deployers don't know their next, they all process the deployment after the structure has been identified and they don't instantiate objects directly. Their order is decided at registration time.

                What I'm trying to understant is, when having a deployment with nested subdeployments, if it is important for any given Deployer to process the deployment & subdeployments completely (either parent first, or depth first), before the next in the chain does the same. (This was the first scenario described)

                • 6. Re: Deployers overview

                  I couldn't give you an answer to this without looking at use cases.
                  I would certainly stick to the current rules (deepest first).

                  My gut fealing is that you pass each deployment/subdeployment
                  individually down the chain. i.e. assume each deployment is independent.

                  PRO: We don't want subdeployments manipulating each other's data, they should
                  refer to each other via by reference/dependency
                  CON: If they are truly independent why would they be packaged together,
                  so maybe there are usecases where this tighter coupling is desirable?

                  Remember, when I talk about coupling I am talking about the metadata
                  They will of course be tightly coupled by the microcontainer when they are constructed
                  and wired together from the metadata.

                  The use case I can think of where coupling of metadata is required is when
                  the classloader metadata is constructed. Each subdeployment can add
                  metadata (urls) to the top level metadata that creates the classloader.

                  This is probably the more common pattern. i.e. Each subdeployment builds
                  up metadata (e.g. urls) at the top level which is processed last and adds global policy
                  (e.g. classloader isolation, java2 delegation, etc.)

                  • 7. Re: Deployers overview

                    This is the common behavior mode when there is aggregation:

                    The use case I can think of where coupling of metadata is required is when the classloader metadata is constructed. Each subdeployment can add metadata (urls) to the top level metadata that creates the classloader.

                    This is probably the more common pattern. i.e. Each subdeployment builds up metadata (e.g. urls) at the top level which is processed last and adds global policy (e.g. classloader isolation, java2 delegation, etc.)

                    A given deployment is likely to have configuration of an aspect that needs to be merged into the aggregate view when the deployment is joined to other deployments. In addition to class loading, logging and security are two more examples of aspects that should have an aggregate metadata and behavior. Its also non-deterministic as to what the aggregate behavior should be. In the case of logging it may be that the independent logging configurations should be left as is. An equally valid view is that the logging configuration seen at the root most level takes precedence.

                    Likewise how the merged security aspect should behave is arbitrary. It can be anything from independent untrusted domains to a global override from the root, to federated domains that have to arrange migration of security contexts based on trust relationships that are described by metadata that has no meaning in absence of aggregation.

                    • 8. Re: Deployers overview

                      In general this kind of problem is a cross cutting concern.

                      We have some tree of metadata that needs processing by a deployer aspect,
                      but only some parts of the metadata are relevent to it.

                      This is usually done by a vistor pattern.

                      But as we know, patterns are best implemented with aspects.
                      1) You avoid the boiler plate code
                      2) You don't need to know ahead of time where the pattern applies

                      The only problem is that we are now applying an aspect to an aspect :-)

                      • 9. Re: Deployers overview

                        Right, security and logging are aspects which should be applied to the deployment stack, not actually be deployers themselves.