1 Reply Latest reply on Oct 24, 2005 10:39 PM by adrian.brock


      So I just added a prototype test of what I call "decorations".

      More accurately they are just Bill's annotated point cut advices, except they act
      upon a particular instance with the advices being stateless.

      We are not there yet:
      * Complete AOP/MC instance integration
      * Integrate and implement MC annotations with aop annotation model
      but I will be working with Bill to get this working properly.

      Why is this important? Because it lets you set policy using simple metadata
      that is within the context of the instance rather creating artifical addon beans.

      e.g. IOC style

      <bean name="Bean1" .../>
      <bean class="org.jboss.jndi.Binding">
       <property name="Target"><inject name="Bean1"/></property>
       <property name="JndiName">whatever</property>

      e.g. Decorations
      <bean name="Bean1" ...>
       <annotation name="org.jboss.jndi.Binding">
       <attribute name="JndiName">whatever</attribute>
      pointcut @org.jboss.jndi.BInding
      apply-advice org.jboss.jndi.JNDIBindingAdvice

      There are other advantages to this approach. The major one being that
      because the advice acts "in front of" the instance rather than as a dependency
      of it, you don't need the instance to actually be in place or fully deployed.

      This is important for providing things like jsr77 support where you want to redirect
      lifecycle events:

      jsr77mbean.stop() -> jsr77advice -> controllercontext.stop() -> controller
      -> dependencies.stop()
      -> instance.stop()

      It also allows us to potentially put mbeans out there for management purposes
      with on-demand beans that don't even exist or also implement redeploy
      with valves properly.

      Finally the extra indirection of the annotation also allows the policy of things
      like jndi binding to be more easily overridden as a cross cutting concern
      with a single stateless advice providing the policy or more likely a default
      policy link in the annotation itself (for even greater flexibility).