1 Reply Latest reply on Oct 8, 2007 7:00 PM by alesj

    Lazy bean behaviour


      I'm doing (apart from AS5_PS ... no worries ;-)) some GUI example console for MC and was missing the following feature - lazy 'instantiation/install' of the bean.

      e.g. I have some service that has many dependencies - many injected beans. One of them is rarely used and/or is fully installed in some later-on deployment unit. But I would still like to have that first service up and running.

      So, I hacked a lazy notion to our beans - lazy proxies.

      What you can do now is the following XML

       <bean name="bean" class="org.jboss.test.kernel.lazy.support.RareBean"/>
       <lazy name="proxy" bean="bean" exposeClass="true">

      or the straight API

       AbstractLazyMetaData lazy = new AbstractLazyMetaData("bean");

      And the test to show that lazyness :-)
       AbstractBeanMetaData bean = new AbstractBeanMetaData("bean", RareBean.class.getName());
       KernelControllerContext beanContext = controller.install(bean);
       controller.change(beanContext, ControllerState.NOT_INSTALLED);
       ModifiedLazyMetaData lazy = new ModifiedLazyMetaData("bean", getFactoryClassName());
       KernelControllerContext lazyContext = controller.install(lazy);
       assertEquals(ControllerState.DESCRIBED, lazyContext.getState());
       controller.change(beanContext, ControllerState.DESCRIBED);
       controller.change(lazyContext, ControllerState.INSTALLED);
       IRare lazyRare = (IRare)lazyContext.getTarget();
       throw new RuntimeException("Should not be here.");
       catch(Throwable t)
       assertInstanceOf(t, IllegalArgumentException.class);
       controller.change(beanContext, ControllerState.INSTALLED);
       assertEquals(0, lazyRare.getHits());
       assertEquals(5, lazyRare.checkHits(15));

      The code checks for the first available proxy generator - Javassist, JBossAOP (wip), JDK, ... (possible additions CGLIB, ASM, ...)
       initializerMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>();
       // test class name, actual LazyInitializer implementation
       initializerMap.put("javassist.util.proxy.ProxyObject", "org.jboss.kernel.plugins.lazy.JavassistLazyInitializer");
       initializerMap.put("org.jboss.aop.proxy.container.AOPProxyFactoryParameters", "org.jboss.aop.microcontainer.lazy.JBossAOPLazyInitializer");
       initializerMap.put("java.lang.reflect.Proxy", "org.jboss.kernel.plugins.lazy.JDKLazyInitializer");
       * Get the LazyInitializater instance.
       * @param configurator the configurator
       * @return initializer instance
       protected static LazyInitializer getInitializer(KernelConfigurator configurator)
       if (initializer == null)
       for(Map.Entry<String, String> entry : initializerMap.entrySet())
       if (testLibExists(entry.getKey()))
       initializer = createInitializer(configurator, entry.getValue());
       if (initializer != null)
       if (initializer == null)
       throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot initialize LazyInitializater, check classpath for missing classes.");
       return initializer;

      The proxies use KernelBus to do the invocation.

      Currently you need to specify which interfaces are exposed.
      Perhaps this can be done automa(g|t)ically?

        • 1. Re: Lazy bean behaviour

          Hmmm ... just thinking that this is almost the same as @Install on the setter - a callback injection.

          Perhaps only useful if the proxy is passed around as a ref.