0 Replies Latest reply on Jan 7, 2008 6:31 PM by alesj

    Failing build - new maven weirdness


      The current MC build fails.
      The Container module fails to pull jaxb dependencies.

      Running 'mvn project-info-reports:dependencies' produces the following results for jbossxb (in (module)/target/site/dependencies.html).

      # org.jboss:jbossxb:jar
       * apache-xerces:xercesImpl:jar
       * wutka-dtdparser:dtdparser121:jar
       * javax.activation:activation:jar
       * sun-jaxb:jaxb-api:jar
      in Kernel
      # org.jboss:jbossxb:jar
       * org.jboss:jboss-common-core:jar
      in Container

      Paul is already aware, but at the moment we fail to see what's causing this.