6 Replies Latest reply on Aug 1, 2008 4:56 AM by adrian.brock

    need a jboss-cl release


      I need a jboss-cl release for recent changes. Should I move the existing 2.0.0.CR1 closed issues to a 2.0.0.Beta13?

        • 1. Re: need a jboss-cl release

          Can't you just temporarily work with a snapshot?

          The latest jboss-cl depends upon a fix from the MC which in turn depends
          latest javassist via aop and some other changes I did for performance fixes in
          jboss-reflect and jboss-mdr.

          We need to get these all upto CR1 by finishing off the remaining tasks,
          I'm working with Ales this week to get this final push properly defined. :-)

          • 2. Re: need a jboss-cl release

            Yes, I'm currently working with the snapshot locally.

            • 3. Re: need a jboss-cl release

              The big problem is that Kabir is on holiday this week.

              We can have a look at upgrading, but since there's only a few tasks
              left todo before we do the CR1s (two are Kabir's tasks),
              it's probably better just to hang on until they are all finished.


              That being said we could do a last set of beta releases before the CRs to
              iron out last issues.

              • 4. Re: need a jboss-cl release

                Testing the latest jboss-cl trunk against jbossas trunk I'm seeing a regression due a change in the PackageVisitor.determineAllPackages due to JBCL-27:

                Caused by: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.jboss.classloading.plugins.vfs.PackageVisitor.determineAllPackages([Lorg/jboss/virtual/VirtualFile;Lorg/jboss/classloading/spi/metadata/ExportAll;Lorg/jboss/classloader/spi/filter/ClassFilter;Lorg/jboss/classloader/spi/filter/ClassFilter;Lorg/jboss/classloader/spi/filter/ClassFilter;)Ljava/util/Set;

                The VFSDeploymentClassLoaderPolicyModule is calling:
                PackageVisitor.determineAllPackages(roots, exportAll, included, excluded, excludedExport);

                The current PackageVisitor.determineAllPackages has an additional excludedRoots:
                 public static Set<String> determineAllPackages(VirtualFile[] roots, VirtualFile[] excludedRoots, ExportAll exportAll, ClassFilter included, ClassFilter excluded, ClassFilter excludedExport)

                I added the following to work around it locally:
                 public static Set<String> determineAllPackages(VirtualFile[] roots, ExportAll exportAll, ClassFilter included, ClassFilter excluded, ClassFilter excludedExport)
                 return determineAllPackages(roots, null, exportAll, included, excluded, excludedExport);

                • 5. Re: need a jboss-cl release

                  You should update deployers-vfs as well.
                  At least that's what I did and it worked.
                  And probably running all MC trunk helps as well. :-)

                  • 6. Re: need a jboss-cl release

                    You also need to add the new VFSClassLoaderClassPathDeployer.
                    to conf/deployers.xml