1 2 Previous Next 27 Replies Latest reply on Nov 15, 2005 11:59 AM by brian.stansberry Go to original post
      • 15. Re: ChainingCacheLoader initial designs

        How about passivation though? I presume if passivation is enabled we don't bother with a cache loader chain and just use the first cache loader configured, ignoring the rest? What's the point of passivating to a chain of cache loaders?

        • 16. Re: ChainingCacheLoader initial designs

          Any other comments on this thread? Is everyone happy with what we have?

          • 17. Re: ChainingCacheLoader initial designs

            How do we feed the properties of a CacheLoader (e.g. async, location and so on) to the CacheLoader ? Same as now, a properties list ? This would be good, because now every cache loader can configure itself, and accept any parameters. Think about JDBCCacheLoader; this one has a lot of options.

            • 18. Re: ChainingCacheLoader initial designs

              Properties are the contents of the <cacheloader...> element.

              See last example (using a FileCacheLoader passing in a location.)

              • 19. Re: ChainingCacheLoader initial designs

                I just want to make sure existing CacheLoader impls don't break. So we can remove all props that we handle, e.g. "async", then feed the rest to the CacheLoadet.setConfig(Properties) method

                • 20. Re: ChainingCacheLoader initial designs

                  yep, precisely. And like we said, writing a conversion script won't be that hard either - although that's gotta be a pretty low prio task!

                  • 21. Re: ChainingCacheLoader initial designs

                    Finalising on a config format like:


                    • 22. Re: ChainingCacheLoader initial designs

                      Hello all.

                      A quick question regarding semantics of chaining cache loaders.

                      When we have 2 cache loaders in a chain (loader1 and loader2), the basic assumption is that when doing a get(), the CCL looks first in loader1, and if it gets a null, looks in loader2.

                      Now what happens when we set ignoreModifications to true on loader2? We basically ignore all CRUD operations on this cache loader.

                      So we have this situation:

                      1. Loaders 1 and 2 are initialised with some data, say /a/b.
                      2. Cache does a remove() on /a/b
                      3. Loader1 does the remove of /a/b
                      4. Loader2 ignores the CRUD.
                      5. Cache does a get() on /a/b, null in memory
                      6. Loader1 finds a null.
                      7. Loader2, however, still has the initial value.

                      Makes me think - is ignoreModifications really something useful?!?

                      • 23. Re: ChainingCacheLoader initial designs

                        Looks like we have to treat some CRUDs specially:
                        - remove
                        - evict
                        - put

                        • 24. Re: ChainingCacheLoader initial designs

                          Are you suggesting that ignoreMods only ignores put(), but not remove()?

                          How will it handle put(fqn, key, null), which as far as a single data element is concerned, is the same as a remove()? A 'special case' to watch out for specifically, I think?

                          And even if we treat them differently, is ignoreModifications actually useful to anyone if it only ignores put() but not remove()? I suppose data transient to a specific cache will not make it back to a generic cache store this way...

                          • 25. Re: ChainingCacheLoader initial designs

                            I have updated the documentation (docs/treecache/en/master.xml) with info on chaining cache loaders and have updated it accordingly re: the new configuration XML block.

                            If someone's waiting for a build or test suite to complete, could you pls have a proof read of this for me? I'd appreciate some feedback.


                            • 26. Re: ChainingCacheLoader initial designs

                              Given that most of the cache loader configs now sit within the cache loader manager, a bunch of the old getters and setters have been removed from TreeCache.

                              Should I put these accessors back in (for backward compatibility) but mark them as deprecated and no-op?

                              Or is it better to mark them as deprecated, but have them modify corresponding properties in the cache loader manager?

                              Just concerned about people who programatically configure the cache loaders...

                              • 27. Re: ChainingCacheLoader initial designs

                                Leaving the old API caused me a bit of trouble. The internal conversion of the old setFetchStateOnStartup() to setFetchInMemoryState() broke a test, as the semantics of the two aren't quite the same. I set fetchStateOnStartup to false to prevent *initial* state transfer, but then when I requested a partial state transfer via activateRegion(), I didn't get the in-memory state.

                                So, if we can't guarantee that an old bit of API is going to have the same behavior as previously, I think it's better to do away with it. Either way backwards compatibility is broken, but with the API removed at least this fact is more obvious to the user.

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