0 Replies Latest reply on Dec 11, 2007 3:57 AM by balteo

    for attribute of h:message



      Suppose I have two h:forms each with one h:command button, all of which are on a jsf page. I would like to find a way to display error messages with two h:message components each working for a given h:command button but it seems that the for attribute of a h:message can't point to a h:command button. What is the best way of achieving the desired behavior?

      <h:form id="companies-netting-process-form">
      <h:message showDetail="true" showSummary="true" for="companies-netting-process-form"/>
      <h:commandButton id="companies-netting-process-button" action="#{NettingManagedBean.copyCompanies}" value="Traitement netting companies" />
      <h:form id="amounts-netting-process-form">
      <h:message showDetail="true" showSummary="true" for="amounts-netting-process-form"/>
      <h:commandButton id="amounts-netting-process-button" action="#{NettingManagedBean.copyAmounts}" value="Traitement netting amounts" />