7 Replies Latest reply on Apr 4, 2006 10:16 AM by jerrygauth

    Working my way up the stack


      1. ./src/org/jboss/cache/interceptors/CacheLoaderInterceptor.java

      in invoke():

      Why does TreeCache.putDataEraseMethodLocal and TreeCache.putDataMethodLocal and removeDataLocal have to load the attributes? There are no values returned from these operations.

      2. src/org/jboss/cache/interceptors/TxInterceptor.java

       private GlobalTransaction registerTransaction(Transaction tx) throws Exception
       if (!transactions.containsKey(tx) && isValid(tx))
       gtx = cache.getCurrentTransaction(tx);
       if (gtx.isRemote())
       // should be no need to register a handler since this a remotely initiated gtx
       if (log.isTraceEnabled());
       if (log.isTraceEnabled());
       LocalSynchronizationHandler myHandler = new ...

      Seems like a race condition between the "contains" and "put". Too bad there's no "putIfAbsent" operation in the ConcurrentReaderHashMap. This should work:
       if (isValid(tx) && transactions.put(tx, NULL) == null)

      3. src/org/jboss/cache/interceptors/PessimisticLockInterceptor.java

      line 340 and 260
       List list=new LinkedList(entry.getLocks());
       for(int i=list.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
       IdentityLock lock=(IdentityLock)list.get(i);

      seems a bit odd, why not an ArrayList or a Reverse ListIterator? (See above)

      isn't free, if you use it more than once, store it in a local.

      4. src/org/jboss/cache/interceptors/CacheMgmtInterceptor.java
       private int m_seq = 0;
       private int m_listeners = 0;

      should these be locked? (E.g. SynchronizedInt ?)

        • 1. Re: Working my way up the stack

          Modified your original post to make it a bit more readable. :-)

          • 2. Re: Working my way up the stack

            Re: #2, +1. Makes sense, certainly cleaner and eliminates the potential race cond.

            • 3. Re: Working my way up the stack

              Re: #3,

              +1 on caching Thread.currentThread() - the cost of this method call is not that great, but when it is done recursively it does add up - especially when it is so easy to fix.

              +1 on the loop as well - an unnecessary complexity. Perhaps even a simple

              IdentityLock[] locks = (IdentityLock[]) entry.getLocks().toArray(new IdentityLock[]{});

              would do the trick

              • 4. Re: Working my way up the stack

                How about items 1 and 4?

                • 5. Re: Working my way up the stack

                  You'd want to hear back from Jerry Gauthier re. 4, who implemented the cache management interceptor.

                  • 6. Re: Working my way up the stack

                    Re: 1, let me have a look and get back to you, although try disabling load attribs for these 2 cases and running the test suite.

                    • 7. Re: Working my way up the stack

                      re: 4.

                      a) I think you're right on m_seq. The sequence number must be serialized so that clients can sort on it if necessary. It does seem that the current implementation might be susceptible to errors in a threaded environment.

                      The m_seq variable should also be redefined as a long (SynchronizedLong?) since this is what the Notification constructor specifies. It seems that I mistakenly defined it as an int.

                      b) The m_listeners variable is only used within a synchronized method so it appears to be ok as is.