1 2 3 Previous Next 32 Replies Latest reply on May 23, 2006 11:18 AM by manik Go to original post
      • 30. Re: Performance of Method.equals

        Hi guys! I've got a slight problem. Previously I mentioned a problem
        where I was not able to initialise the method id because of MethodCall()'s
        empty constructor being called. method in MethodCall would then be
        initialised in readExternal(). At the time, I was using the Lightweight
        subclass and i got around the problem by overriding readExternal and
        assigning the method id once readExternal had executed.

        Now that I'm using MethodCall's directly and using the getId(), I've got a
        similar problem but I'm not sure how to solve it. Basically, for every
        MethodCall(Method, Object[]) constructor call, it's easy to wrap it in a
        factory method and call setId based on the method to method id map
        after the constructor.

        However, for the cases when MethodCall() is called, I end up having
        MethodCalls which haven't got their id initialised so tests are failing. This
        happens in EnhancedTreeCacheMarshaller.unmarshallMethodCall() where
        arguments sometimes contains MethodCalls initialised using the empty
        constructor (called by ObjectInputStream), but where can I inject the
        setId call?

        I've added a different create method to be called when creating the
        MethodCall at the end of unmarshallMethodCall() where I inspect the
        arguments to see if there's any MethodCall in here. I know that if they are
        there, their id has not been initiliased and i do so. Any better ideas?

        • 31. Re: Performance of Method.equals

          The JIRA issue related to this has been resolved:

          • 32. Re: Performance of Method.equals

            Nice one

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