15. Re: Custom data versions
manik Jul 16, 2008 6:50 AM (in response to manik)Yeah as long as the aggregator POM doesn't have a module element for a cache-jbosscache-3 module it won't get published.
Perhaps something to try out with 3.0.0.Alpha1 to make sure the lack of custom data versioning isn't a show stopper. -
16. Re: Custom data versions
brian.stansberry Jul 16, 2008 5:14 PM (in response to manik)Jason and I had a good IM discussion of versioning issues; posting it here for the record:
(03:18:30 PM) Jason Greene: regarding this versioning discussion
(03:18:38 PM) Jason Greene: i have this feeling we are overlooking something
(03:18:53 PM) Jason Greene: i recall a very long discussion with gavin and steve about this last year
(03:19:34 PM) besYIM: LOL. that's why I said go slow
(03:19:53 PM) Jason Greene: which brings me to my question
(03:20:30 PM) Jason Greene: does the hibernate integration require all writers to the db to use hibernate
(03:20:49 PM) Jason Greene: in other words is it "option A" as it used to be called in CMP land
(03:21:15 PM) besYIM: i was going to answer and then you threw in option A and confused me :)
(03:21:17 PM) Jason Greene: because if it doesnt we need versions
(03:22:20 PM) Jason Greene: well by option A i mean "hibernate has exclusive write access to db"
(03:22:48 PM) besYIM: if data is cached and someone updates the db outside of hibernate, the cache will be incorrect until eviction flushes that data out
(03:23:20 PM) Jason Greene: ok because the scenario i came up with
(03:23:31 PM) besYIM: yeah, the PFER semantic of aborting if node exists does not include any ability to analyze the node
(03:23:47 PM) besYIM: that's true even w/ OPTIMISTIC
(03:23:48 PM) Jason Greene: is that 2 readers
(03:23:52 PM) Jason Greene: see different values
(03:24:08 PM) Jason Greene: since db writers are happening in a different ap
(03:24:29 PM) Jason Greene: then its a race to which value wins
(03:24:39 PM) Jason Greene: and it wont necessarily be the most current
(03:24:53 PM) Jason Greene: if however there was a version
(03:25:04 PM) Jason Greene: this would not be a problem
(03:26:24 PM) Jason Greene: also async replication
(03:26:31 PM) Jason Greene: would make versions important
(03:26:54 PM) Jason Greene: since two conflicting updates would arrive out of order
(03:27:01 PM) Jason Greene: s/would/may
(03:27:16 PM) besYIM: ok, let's define some terms so we're on the same page:
(03:27:28 PM) besYIM: insert/update --> db write, cache write
(03:27:36 PM) besYIM: put --> db read, cache write
(03:28:15 PM) besYIM: an insert/update should not go async; if it does it's a misuse, or at least means you're not concerned about consistency
(03:28:24 PM) Jason Greene: ok yeah
(03:29:14 PM) besYIM: a put can go async (if replicated). but there its a PFER and aborts if the node already exists
(03:29:49 PM) besYIM: and the node would only exist w/ out-of-date data if the db was updated externally
(03:30:28 PM) Jason Greene: right, what about transaction commit order
(03:30:36 PM) Jason Greene: db commits first
(03:30:42 PM) Jason Greene: or cache committs first
(03:30:45 PM) Jason Greene: which order is it?
(03:30:49 PM) besYIM: db first
(03:31:06 PM) besYIM: wait, let me try again
(03:31:33 PM) besYIM: hibernate flushes to db
(03:31:56 PM) besYIM: beforeCompletion (prepare) phase on cache
(03:32:00 PM) besYIM: db commits
(03:32:17 PM) besYIM: afterCompletion() phase in hibernate
(03:32:24 PM) besYIM: afterCompletion() phase in JBC
(03:33:43 PM) Jason Greene: ok so back to the put
(03:34:41 PM) Jason Greene: put is async, so technically could happen after a insert, which is why manik was suggesting a write lock used in PFER right?
(03:36:01 PM) besYIM: yes, it could happen after an insert. but a PFER should abort if the node is already present, it shouldn't try to lock the node
(03:36:14 PM) besYIM: how MVCC handles that internally, I don't know
(03:38:20 PM) Jason Greene: right so its a race because server 1 does a pfer, node does not exist, and an async replication update occurs
(03:38:52 PM) Jason Greene: server 2 does a insert which does a sync write, this could come before the async update
(03:39:22 PM) besYIM: there is no such thing as an async replication update. there is an async put replication
(03:39:39 PM) Jason Greene: right sorry async put replication is queued
(03:39:49 PM) besYIM: (sorry, being anal so i understand)
(03:39:54 PM) Jason Greene: sync update happens first
(03:40:18 PM) besYIM: yeah and when the async PFER comes in, it aborts because the node already exists
(03:40:48 PM) Jason Greene: ah because the node it is applying to checks for existance
(03:41:01 PM) Jason Greene: not just the origin
(03:41:42 PM) besYIM: yeah.
(03:42:04 PM) besYIM: that's what allows async to work
(03:43:19 PM) Jason Greene: ok so as long as hibernate has exclusive access I cant think of a problem
(03:43:58 PM) besYIM: versioning could help the external-to-hibernate write scenario, but IMO only worth it if we don't introduce locking problems into PFER (during the version check)
(03:44:13 PM) besYIM: which, TBH would be a nice improvement
(03:44:22 PM) Jason Greene: well the versioning check could be a substitution for pfer
(03:44:30 PM) Jason Greene: essentially you are adding a precondition
(03:44:35 PM) Jason Greene: to every update
(03:44:43 PM) Jason Greene: like update blah where v = 1
(03:44:58 PM) Jason Greene: order is iirelevant
(03:45:02 PM) Jason Greene: when you do that
(03:45:23 PM) besYIM: but that precondition requires a read of the node, and hence a lock
(03:46:01 PM) besYIM: the existing PFER says "i'm willing to give up some puts that may be ok to avoid any possibility of locking issues"
(03:46:33 PM) Jason Greene: no locks required, because you can safely read any old version and the update would be ignored
(03:46:41 PM) Jason Greene: it has to be an atomic operation though
(03:47:46 PM) Jason Greene: a wierd psudocode expression to explain what i mean
(03:47:46 PM) Jason Greene: :
(03:48:15 PM) Jason Greene: put("/blah/1", "key", "value", "version == 3");
(03:48:32 PM) Jason Greene: when thats applied a WL is obtained
(03:48:36 PM) Jason Greene: the version is checked
(03:48:46 PM) Jason Greene: and only if it is valid it is applied"
(03:50:44 PM) besYIM: if the lock aquisition timeout is 0 ms that's probably OK
(03:50:55 PM) Jason Greene: well this would all be async
(03:51:03 PM) Jason Greene: for puts and for insert/update
(03:51:16 PM) besYIM: not on the origin node.
(03:52:26 PM) besYIM: ok there's another benefit to versions -- a slightly better semantic for async insert/update
(03:52:28 PM) Jason Greene: ah right, yes, locks is aquired but its essentially atomic since everything would be async
(03:53:06 PM) Jason Greene: oh and
(03:53:09 PM) Jason Greene: its only aquired
(03:53:19 PM) Jason Greene: if it doesnt exist locally and the version is different
(03:53:26 PM) Jason Greene: so for example
(03:54:04 PM) Jason Greene: int cacheVersion = getVersion("/a/b");
(03:54:16 PM) Jason Greene: if (cacheVersion < dbVersion) put
(03:54:54 PM) Jason Greene: of course the goal is not to look at the db
(03:55:16 PM) Jason Greene: so you wouldnt do this all the time
(03:55:26 PM) Jason Greene: external apps would still be a problem
(03:56:18 PM) besYIM: yep. this versioning discussing only really helps if the origin node doesn't have it cached AND REPL_xxx is used
(03:56:38 PM) besYIM: if the origin node has it cached, hibernate doesn't know about the db change
(03:56:56 PM) Jason Greene: right so a versioning solution really just improves updates as you say
(03:57:12 PM) besYIM: if INVALIDATION is used the PFER doesn't generate a cluster-wide msg
(03:57:20 PM) Jason Greene: it doesnt solve the non-external problem
(03:57:24 PM) Jason Greene: erm
(03:57:28 PM) Jason Greene: non-exclusive hibernate
(03:57:58 PM) Jason Greene: youd have to have some kind of eviction policy
(03:58:06 PM) Jason Greene: which is what we do today right?
(03:59:02 PM) besYIM: yes, that's the way to handle it. The Hibernate API also lets you flush the cache, i.e. if you had code that somehow was aware of the DB update it could tell hibernate to flush the cache
(04:00:39 PM) Jason Greene: it seems that you still really want sync writes
(04:00:50 PM) Jason Greene: because otherwise someone might see an old value
(04:00:54 PM) besYIM: yep
(04:00:55 PM) Jason Greene: although briefly
(04:01:20 PM) Jason Greene: alright im convinced we dont need versions
(04:01:23 PM) Jason Greene: :)
(04:01:44 PM) besYIM: the "slightly better semantic for async insert/update" can be achieved with OPTIMISTIC, which has versions
(04:02:04 PM) besYIM: although i guess that's going away
(04:02:15 PM) Jason Greene: yeah but it still runs the risk
(04:02:18 PM) Jason Greene: of a stale read
(04:02:48 PM) besYIM: yes, just avoids the problem of an older update overwriting a newer
(04:03:29 PM) Jason Greene: MVCC solves that with locks
(04:03:31 PM) Jason Greene: however
(04:03:43 PM) Jason Greene: there is a deadlock potential
(04:03:48 PM) Jason Greene: like i mentioned in the thread
(04:04:10 PM) Jason Greene: it would require simultaneous update/inserts
(04:04:22 PM) Jason Greene: which should be unlikely
(04:04:30 PM) Jason Greene: since the db holds a write lock
(04:04:36 PM) Jason Greene: as well
(04:05:12 PM) besYIM: yes. it would only be a problem w/ async since the db lock can be released. And async == no deadlock in JBC
(04:06:44 PM) besYIM: you mind if i cut and paste the relevant part of this into the forum thread? this was a good discussion
(04:06:51 PM) Jason Greene: sure go for it -
17. Re: Custom data versions
manik Jul 17, 2008 12:58 PM (in response to manik)Some good thoughts here.
Keep in mind though - as per the original topic - that any talk of versions should actually always be a List of versions, pertaining to each node in a path given.
Jason, regarding the deadlock potential, I think that potential exists anyway with any such cache usage. I think the early deadlock detection algorithm we spoke about in FL makes a ton of sense and should be implemented, but that is orthogonal to this discussion. :-) -
18. Re: Custom data versions
brian.stansberry Aug 1, 2008 9:56 AM (in response to manik)This discussion relates to https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/JBCACHE-1250 as well
Quoting myself from my first comment on that JIRA:
"Main reason I want to keep the structural node around are 1) it's marked as "resident" and 2) if OPTIMISTIC it has a special DataVersion that never reports conflicts. Without that DataVersion I get OL conflicts. If I let the structural node get reestablished via a regular put for a child, it ends up with regular data version."
Re: 2)
The discussion above may remove the DataVersion issue. The DataVersionProvider interface allows me to ensure the correct DataVersion is applied to the resident node. I say "may" because it only solves the problem if the DataVersion is properly passed around the cluster, works with invalidation etc. Haven't thought hard about that.
Further, looking at the analysis of data versions on this thread, I think what is really needed for the Hibernate case is to disable the data versioning for OL. That is, allow configuration of a cache-wide DataVersionFactory, where Hibernate would configure a factory that returns its NonLockingDataVersion. There doesn't seem to be any advantage to actually doing version validation. Either Hibernate will catch any version conflict at the DB level before the JBC beforeCompletion() callback gets invoked, or a PFER will see any existing node and abort.
Re: 1)
TBH, I'm not sure if there's any reason I care about the node being marked "resident" other than its relation to the DataVersion issue. IIRC "resident" basically means it doesn't get evicted, and I *think* the only reason I care about eviction is I lose the custom DataVersion. But let's assume I do have a reason to care, or someone else does. Perhaps the DataVersionProvider concept discussed above should be expanded to handle all such "NodeMetaData":public interface NodeMetaDataProvider() { NodeMetaData getNodeMetaData(Fqn fqn); } public interface NodeMetaData { /** Get the desired DataVersion for the node. A return value of null means use the default mechanism for determining the DataVersion */ DataVersion getDataVersion(); /** Should the node be marked as resident? */ boolean isResident(); .... for any similar metadata }
19. Re: Custom data versions
manik Aug 4, 2008 6:59 AM (in response to manik)"bstansberry@jboss.com" wrote:
Re: 2)
The discussion above may remove the DataVersion issue. The DataVersionProvider interface allows me to ensure the correct DataVersion is applied to the resident node. I say "may" because it only solves the problem if the DataVersion is properly passed around the cluster, works with invalidation etc. Haven't thought hard about that.
Further, looking at the analysis of data versions on this thread, I think what is really needed for the Hibernate case is to disable the data versioning for OL. That is, allow configuration of a cache-wide DataVersionFactory, where Hibernate would configure a factory that returns its NonLockingDataVersion. There doesn't seem to be any advantage to actually doing version validation. Either Hibernate will catch any version conflict at the DB level before the JBC beforeCompletion() callback gets invoked, or a PFER will see any existing node and abort.
Correct. The question is, how important is it that we add this for optimistic locking in 3.0? As far as possible I'm trying not to touch OL and PL code in this release, the focus being to promote MVCC since both OL and PL are conceptually broken in certain ways. As a workaround, you could use a NonBlockingDataVersion in an option for ALL calls that touch any nodes in the OptimisticCacheProvider."bstansberry@jboss.com" wrote:
Re: 1)
TBH, I'm not sure if there's any reason I care about the node being marked "resident" other than its relation to the DataVersion issue. IIRC "resident" basically means it doesn't get evicted, and I *think* the only reason I care about eviction is I lose the custom DataVersion. But let's assume I do have a reason to care, or someone else does.
Nodes being marked as resident are also important to increase accuracy of eviction configurations. E.g., maxNodes settings can then only consider nodes that are supposed to have data in them and not structural ones."bstansberry@jboss.com" wrote:
Perhaps the DataVersionProvider concept discussed above should be expanded to handle all such "NodeMetaData":
I think the DataVersionProvider concept should not be developed if DataVersions themselves are a deprecated concept.
Metadata is a different story though - there is a JIRA about exposing node metadata as a single object that can be persisted, shipped around - which would include stuff like whether nodes are resident, whether data and child maps are ordered (potentially - this is in discussion), and some transient information like node validity, whether data and/or children are loaded, etc. -
20. Re: Custom data versions
brian.stansberry Aug 4, 2008 10:59 AM (in response to manik)"manik.surtani@jboss.com" wrote:
As a workaround, you could use a NonBlockingDataVersion in an option for ALL calls that touch any nodes in the OptimisticCacheProvider.
If that results in all created-as-a-side effect parent nodes also getting the NonBlockingDataVersion, on both the local node and any remote node, that should work fine. :)"manik.surtani@jboss.com" wrote:
I think the DataVersionProvider concept should not be developed if DataVersions themselves are a deprecated concept.
Metadata is a different story though - there is a JIRA about exposing node metadata as a single object that can be persisted, shipped around - which would include stuff like whether nodes are resident, whether data and child maps are ordered (potentially - this is in discussion), and some transient information like node validity, whether data and/or children are loaded, etc.
So would this include something like the "Provider" concept -- i.e. a solution to setting metadata on created-as-a-side-affect parent nodes that is different from the final child node?
Also, even if DataVersion is deprecated, IMHO as long as it exists it should be included in any general solution to problems; e.g. if there were a NodeMetaData and NodeMetaDataProvider, NodeMetaData should include the data version as a property.
As far as the Hibernate 2LC use case and JBC 3.0.0 goes, I have a hacky solution already for this problem. I'd like to get rid of it. Probably your solution of passing NonBlockingDataVersion will take care of it. If not, perhaps getting rid of it could mean "don't use OPTIMISTIC in your cache, use MVCC." Perhaps a general solution to metadata handling will take care of it, either in 3.0.0 or some later 3.x release. But at this point I don't see any reason this is a critical issue for 3.0.0. Doesn't seem like anything we are talking about would produce an incompatible change; i.e. something that has to go in the major release. It will probably be Q4 before we really start attacking a Hibernate/JBC3 integration in earnest anyway. -
21. Re: Custom data versions
manik Aug 4, 2008 11:49 AM (in response to manik)no, it won't be applied to side-effect nodes - perhaps one way to do this is to create the "side effect nodes" explicitly with the option? :-(
Regarding the metadata, I see it more as an internal API rather than a public one. I.e., changes are made explicitly to a node - e.g., node.setResident( true ) and internally, this flag is stored in a MetaData object which is persisted/replicated along with the node.
And regarding OL (and PL) I see these as being deprecated in 3.0. I would expect folk to focus on MVCC as I think this is far better thought out and conceptually more correct than either of the previous locking schemes. -
22. Re: Custom data versions
brian.stansberry Aug 4, 2008 12:54 PM (in response to manik)"manik.surtani@jboss.com" wrote:
no, it won't be applied to side-effect nodes - perhaps one way to do this is to create the "side effect nodes" explicitly with the option? :-(
That's the hack I have now. Try to track whether the region root nodes exist or not, and then before doing any writes, do a separate call to create the region root if necessary. It's ugly and fragile.
Possibly I could replace the "try to track whether the region root exists" bit and just do a PFER for the region root w/ cacheModeLocal=true before every write. Eliminates complexity in the integration code at the cost of a lot of unnecessary PFER calls. -
23. Re: Custom data versions
manik Aug 4, 2008 4:50 PM (in response to manik)PFER calls are, if anything, cheaper and quicker than a put() ...