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1. Re: Regarding Jboss Cache with Jboss Applicaion Server
mircea.markus Sep 16, 2009 9:15 AM (in response to sawan1424)I tested the jbosscache-pojo-3.0.0.GA and jbosscache-core-3.2.0.GA successfully through ANT script.But I want to use this feature in my new j2ee application ( JSF,EJB,ICEACES,Hibernate ,EJBCA and Spring application).Can any body from this community can give me any idea how can I able to integrate both
pojo cache relies on jboss cache, so it's not a matter of integrating both - it's mandatory for you to also use jbosscahe if you want to use pojocache. -
2. Re: Regarding Jboss Cache with Jboss Applicaion Server
sawan1424 Sep 17, 2009 2:01 AM (in response to sawan1424)Hi ,
I just want to know how to to use Jboss Cache in Jboss Application Server for new Java Project.Please provide me the procedure to integrate with Jboss AS. As per my understanding says,For new project I have to put jbosscache-pojo.jar , jbosscache-core-sources.jar and jbosscache-core.jar .
And try to use Cache feature.Please tell me "Am I right ? " as well as correct procedure to add cache functionality.
Sandy -
3. Re: Regarding Jboss Cache with Jboss Applicaion Server
mircea.markus Sep 18, 2009 10:20 AM (in response to sawan1424)Take a look here:
Hope this helps.