1 Reply Latest reply on May 10, 2005 4:42 AM by mistamoasn

    Errors building J2EE 1.4 project



      "mahesh" wrote:

      How do I generate EJB 2.1 and Servlet 2.4 with JBoss IDE 1.4.1 on Eclipse 3.0.1? I am using JBoss Server 4.0.1 SP1.

      I have created an EJB and Web XDoclet configuration in my project. In the ejbdoclet, I have set ejbSpec to 2.1. On running XDoclet, I get the following error "2.1 is not a legal value for this attribute".

      i have the same problem. any solutions to it?

      best regards

        • 1. Re: Errors building J2EE 1.4 project

          i found a solution for this problem. it is described in:

          http://www.csd.abdn.ac.uk/~bscharla/teaching/CS5302/practicals/practical9.shtml (see "section" setup)


          http://www.dcl.hpi.uni-potsdam.de/research/asg/ws4ejb (see "section" xdoclet integration)

          regarding to this two sources, following worked for me:

          i downloaded the latest xdoclet-jars from sourceforge.net (version 1.2.3) and unzipped it into %eclipse_home%/plugins/org.jboss.ide.eclipse.xdoclet.core_1.4.1

          after that you have to delete the old-jars (possible 1.2.1 or anything else) and then it was possible to change the ejbspec to 2.1.

          but i got another problem:
          jbosside doesn't support the generation of the file "webservices.xml" neither in the 1.4.1 nor in the 1.5m1 version. i guess you have to change the existing doclet- and build-files to let eclipse generate the necessary files. maybe somebody has already a working solution for generating the files.
