0 Replies Latest reply on Jun 24, 2005 7:29 PM by kurt_olsen



      Our co. is getting ready to migrate to jboss. I need to move our code over to ejb3 usage and move onto the server quickly. So I install a new new copy of jboss, I download the newest jboss-ide-jre5 bundle, unzip it, run it and.....now what the heck do I do?

      The documentation sucks, I can't figure out how it should start my server, A new ejb3 project can't find the javax.ejb imports.....The ide tutorial is for an older version...

      I thought this is supposed to make my life easier! - I DO NOT HAVE A WEEK in which to learn how to configure new software (eclipse) to work with my server especially when I install the 'super bundle' that includes everything!

      I want to write ejb3's, use hibernate, WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO?
      I certainly can't recommend this to the other developers here!

      Thanks for listening, and sorry for bitchin.
      Kurt Olsen