5 Replies Latest reply on Oct 20, 2005 3:17 AM by andrewi

    Unbound classpath container : 'Jboss EJB Libraries' in proje



      I built an app a couple of weeks ago using the trailblazer as a guide. Everything worked fine, debuging etc, and i finally deployed the app to my test server using JBoss 4.0.3 RC2

      Today, i have rebuilt a dev server reinstalling Eclipse 3.1, Jboss IDE and JBoss 4.0.3. I retrieved the project from cvs and all was fine other than EJB-Persistence.jar reference broken, and an unbound EJB 3 Library.

      I fixed the EJB-Persistence.jar file but the unbound problem remains. I deleted the reference to the library, and added the library again, pointing it to the JBoss AS install. However the unbound classpath container error continues.

      To ensure the Jboss instance is compatible, I did create a new test project and managed to compile and debug an example.

      Anybody had a similar problem?

        • 1. Re: Unbound classpath container : 'Jboss EJB Libraries' in p


          Sorted this problem out. I installed the new Milestone 3 of Jboss Eclipse IDE and it worked. Also you no longer need EJB-persisitence.jar - I think it is included withinn the EJB 3 Libraries

          • 2. Re: Unbound classpath container : 'Jboss EJB Libraries' in p

            Good morning,

            I am ot sure if the problem is fixed in 1.5 M3. This morning I created a new session bean in a project and lost the reference to the EJB3 library in another project for which I had still 3 java-sources open in the Eclipse IDE. (??)

            Just restarting the Eclipse IDE was the remedy.

            Yesterday I had the same error two times...

            The used eclipse is the bundle (file JBossIDE-1.5M3-Bundle-win32.zip) downloaded and installed ysetday on a XP Professionsla SP2 workstation.

            Has somebody similar observations, or am I seeing fanthoms?

            best regards,

            • 3. Re: Unbound classpath container : 'Jboss EJB Libraries' in p


              I'm new to this but if you mean it shows "JBoss EJB3 Libraries [error]" in the package explorer then yep. It was working earlier today but now not. I have also seen it ok in one project andnot in another.

              I loaded through the Eclipse update option.

              I'm using 4.0.3, Eclipse 3.1 and Win2K


              • 4. Re: Unbound classpath container : 'Jboss EJB Libraries' in p

                Hi, Andrew

                Thanks for the reply. At this moment I can report, that the error hasn't occurred anymore and no way to reproduce it.

                What you describe is exactly the same error as I had with XP SP2. Let's hope that the JBoss IDE team is looking at this thread and is able to clarify the item.

                Despite this little inconvenient I have to say, that JBoss IDE is a great tool for EJB3 and deserves to be highlighted!


                • 5. Re: Unbound classpath container : 'Jboss EJB Libraries' in p

                  hi Alexander,

                  2 things, I downloaded JBossIDE-1.5M3-Bundle-win32.zip and reinstalled and after a restart or two it all came back after removing the duplicate entries.

                  It appears to go west when other plugins are updated. Can't confirm this for sure though. It may have been a coincidence.

                  Secondly, I totally agree. The Jboss IDE plugin is great, together with eclipse it has reduced my learning curve dramatically.

                  I recommend it without reservation.

                  I look forward to more excellent by the Team on all fronts.
