1 Reply Latest reply on Jan 26, 2006 8:42 AM by babaxter1

    jboss-web.xml and web.xml not filled with entries


      when following the JBossIDE tutorial I encountred the
      following problem:
      Even though the XDoclet entries do exist, the generated
      jboss-web-xml and web.xml contain nothing but comments.

       * Servlet Class
       * @web.servlet name="Compute" display-name="Computation Servlet"
       * description="Servlet that compute that Fibonacci suite"
       * @web.servlet-mapping url-pattern="/Compute"
       * @web.ejb-ref name = "ejb/Fibo" type= "Session" home=
       * "tutorial.interfaces.FiboHome" remote =
       * "tutorial.interfaces.Fibo" description = "Reference to the Fibo
       * EJB"
       * @jboss.ejb-ref-jndi ref-name = "ejb/Fibo" jndi-name="ejb/Fibo"

      I expected the IDE to enter corresponding entries here.
      As a result, the servlet is not called.
      Thanks for any hints.

        • 1. Re: jboss-web.xml and web.xml not filled with entries

          Obviously you have to remove all redundant newlines in xdoclet-build.xml in order to make the ant-target(s) do an appropriate job. Quite weird with respect to the fact that the ide itself creates the config file(s) on which it does not work always correctly. Showing that the build is finished without errors and failing to insert values in the config file is a little bit deceiving.

          I also sometimes encountered the problem that updates to the xdoclet settings via the ide are not transferred to the config file. So delete the configs and let the ide generate 'em again.