1 Reply Latest reply on Mar 13, 2006 11:25 AM by maxandersen

    avoid expansion of package explorer

      On every trial the package explorer expands completely.
      Using a lot of modules, developing time is heavaly reduced to
      tscrooling back over the libraries to be able to reduce them and having an overview again.
      Is ther a way possible to SWITCH OFF the automatic expansion EDI 1.5

        • 1. Re: avoid expansion of package explorer

          Are you referring to the "Link with editor" functionallity which makes the package explorer select the current file for the current editor ?

          If yes, then just toggle the "Link with editor" button on the package explorer (it's the yellow double arrow button)

          This is btw. standard eclipse functionallity and together with sensible settings for hiearachial view and workspaces it is pretty nice IMO. but everyone has a different taste, thus there is an off button.