2 Replies Latest reply on Jan 7, 2007 6:52 PM by sgilligan

    Hibernate Console - strange choice of tab title



      I'm using the latest Hibernate Console (3.2.0.beta8), and I have a query that I am prototyping that goes like this:

       title.id as titleId,
       title.name as name,
       inventory.qtyAvailable as qtyAvailable
       from TitleReleaseImpl as titleRelease
       join titleRelease.title as title with title.originalRelease = 'Cinema'
       join titleRelease.inventory as inventory with inventory.qtyOnHand > 0
       join inventory.store as store with store.id = 2
       order by title.releaseDate desc

      The Hibernate query result tab shows the result with the whole query used as the tab title! This of course stretches all the way across eclipse and makes any other query result tabs unselectable.

      Just an observation - otherwise the hibernate tools are great.
