4 Replies Latest reply on Jan 18, 2007 1:50 PM by rob.stryker

    JSP Hot Deploy


      This issue might have been addressed on the forum, but I am having a real hard time trying to figure out how to "hot deploy" JSP. When using Eclipse 3.1 and JBoss 4.0.2 server, we did a file system copy of the where the JSPs resided into an exploded directory on the server where the JSPs would have ended up. I am experimenting with JBossIDE for Eclipse Version: 2.0.0, but can not figure out how to hot deploy the JSPs. Under windows, preferences, JBossIDE, I don't see the option of file system copy either. I would have guesses just like JDeveloper, it would have compiled the JSP and moved them into JBoss container.

      Also, we have several folders of Java code, each of which is setup as a Java project. ANT compiles and copies the classes in the form of a JAR into the JBoss's folders. Question: How do I add project to a server? It keeps on saying there are no projects to add to the server.

      Help would be appreciated.


        • 1. Re: JSP Hot Deploy

          The file system copy to the exploded directory is the best (and only, really) option for you to hot-deploy jsp files.

          In the next beta, there will be a new packaging configuration which could potentially be of use, but if you're already very fond of your ant file, you may not see any added benefit from it. Basically, it looks like a front end to ant but allows you to package your project as an exploded directory, not just as a jar / war / ear.

          For deployment, you say you're already using ant to copy the file to the jboss deploy directory, so you essentially already HAVE added a project to the server on your own. The "add to server" mechanism currently only works for projects that are "Webtools Projects", like an EAR project, a dynamic web project, etc. In the next beta, you will also be able to 'add to server' any project that has a packaging configuration as mentioned above.

          Adding a project to the server is basically a way of saying 'this project is deployed', and then having the ability to republish it, remove it from the server, etc etc. But if you're already using ant, this stuff is all extra bells and whistles.

          • 2. Re: JSP Hot Deploy

            Appreciate your response and clarification. On JBossIDE for Eclipse Version: 2.0.0, how do I do a file system copy. We used to have Windows-> Preferences -> JBoss-IDE -> Deployer where we can have a list of "User Defined Targets" in Eclipse 3.1 and JBoss combination. I am unable to locate that in version 2.0. Maybe it is something really basic that I am missing.
            Please note, I created a "New Server" under JBoss Inc. and have a extra one other than all, minimal and default. My exploded EAR/ WAR is located in that folder.

            • 3. Re: JSP Hot Deploy

              Any chance someone can guide me how to do file system copy ?


              • 4. Re: JSP Hot Deploy

                file system copy to exploded directory is not available yet. Next beta.