3 Replies Latest reply on Jul 30, 2007 12:41 PM by kentwmartin

    Question on JBoss server using the JBoss Eclipse IDE


      I have been working on Eclipse 3.2.1 and using JBoss 4.0.5.GA as my server in Eclipse. I installed the JBossIDE-2.0.0.Beta2-All.zip via the Update Manager in Eclipse and when I PUBLISH to the server I get the following and lose all logging to the console because Log4j never restarts:

      07:59:35,238 DEBUG [MainDeployer] Undeploying file:/C:/server/jboss-4.0.5.GA/server/default/deploy/SCMWebEAR.ear, isShutdown=false
      07:59:35,238 DEBUG [MainDeployer] Stopping sub deployment: file:/C:/server/jboss-4.0.5.GA/server/default/tmp/deploy/tmp62137SCMWebEAR.ear-contents/SCM.war
      07:59:35,238 DEBUG [DeployerInterceptorJSE] stop: file:/C:/server/jboss-4.0.5.GA/server/default/tmp/deploy/tmp62137SCMWebEAR.ear-contents/SCM.war
      07:59:35,238 DEBUG [ServiceController] stopping service: jboss.web.deployment:war=SCM.war,id=1447455206
      07:59:35,238 DEBUG [ServiceController] stopping dependent services for: jboss.web.deployment:war=SCM.war,id=1447455206 dependent services are: []
      07:59:35,238 DEBUG [WebModule] Stopping jboss.web.deployment:war=SCM.war,id=1447455206
      07:59:35,238 INFO [TomcatDeployer] undeploy, ctxPath=/SCM, warUrl=.../tmp/deploy/tmp62137SCMWebEAR.ear-contents/SCM-exp.war/
      07:59:35,238 INFO [[/SCM]] Shutting down Log4J

      I don't know if I am posting to the correct forum or not. If not, will someone please point me to the correct JBoss forum?

      Thanks for any help or direction.

        • 1. Re: Question on JBoss server using the JBoss Eclipse IDE

          I am also having this issue in JBOSS 4.0.3SP1 and Eclipse 3.2.2 and would like to see a response.

          When we make a change to an application deployed to JBOSS (as an exploded .WAR) and touch the web.xml file, JBOSS notices the change and redeploys the application. However, Log4J shuts down and never restarts.

          This behavior occurs whether JBOSS is launched from inside Eclipse, or outside.


          • 2. Re: Question on JBoss server using the JBoss Eclipse IDE

            I had the same problem with Tomcat 5.5 running inside Eclipse. So it is not a JBoss specific problem. I think I remember it was some bug in Log4j. So I switched and used the built in java jdk logging: java.util.logging.

            • 3. Re: Question on JBoss server using the JBoss Eclipse IDE

              We discovered the problem we were having (I work with msavoy). We use the Spring framework in our application. We removed Spring's Log4j listener (org.springframework.web.util.Log4jConfigListener) from the web.xml file in our WEB-INF directory. In the same file we also removed log4jConfigLocation from the context parameters.