6 Replies Latest reply on Nov 17, 2008 8:07 AM by smukhina

    JBoss Studio: Hibernate Tools Issue


      Hello all...

      I just downloaded the JB Dev Studio...I have recently started working on Hibernate and trying to use the hibernate tools using the documentation in the following link: http://docs.jboss.org/tools/2.1.0.Beta1/hibernatetools/html/

      Unfortunately for a total newbie in Hibernate, I find it very difficult to manouver around JB Studio Hibernate Tools wizards(although I am a seasoned Eclipse user). Are there any good tutorials that I can use to kind of walk through, step by step on, how to use each of the Hibernate Tools.

      I want to user Hibernate Tools to reenginner an exisiting legacy DB2 database to auto generate the POJOs, hbm mappping files...but the documentation in the above link isnt sufficient for me to get started..I couldnt even get to do configure the hibernate console..let alone the other wizards..

      Are there any other resources/books that anyone can suggest..any help is appreciated!

      Thanks in advance!