5 Replies Latest reply on Feb 9, 2009 6:55 AM by maxandersen

    Server list empty in eclipse, cannot debug!


      hello I run ganymede + jboss 5 up to date
      I reinstalled a seam project from a damaged disk where there was ganymede and jboss 4.3
      I'm stuck in developement since I can add and run jboss from eclipse server's view, but unfortunately I cannot add a new "debug configuration" or "run configuration" to launch my project with since there are no servers selectable in the list. The list is actually empty :(
      I need to debug my application in broadcast mode (-b and ther's no way I can set this parameter from within eclipse server view. I badly need back jboss in launch configuration. What do I miss?
      I have all the jboss tools things installed but nothing changed apart having tje jboss server view (only lists the ports in use, but sitll empty run config listbox)


      Screenshot here...

        • 1. Re: Server list empty in eclipse, cannot debug!

          maybe can be of help saying I run vista 64 :( since I cannot plug a floppy I don't have the capability of installing xp32 with external sata drivers :( :(
          The distro for win64 is only the base sdk, which I run, maybe the jboss tools are not fully compatible with the 64bit version?

          • 2. Re: Server list empty in eclipse, cannot debug!

            I do not know why you are browsing those launch configs (its definitly not related to JBoss Tools ;)

            Here is how I would set -b.

            File > New > Server > JBoss 4.2 (in the JBoss, a division by Red Hat category)

            Double click the server in the server view and set the host to

            • 3. Re: Server list empty in eclipse, cannot debug!

              pity me as I try change these values from doubleclick the edit configuration form says " The Host can only be changed in the Server Editor." and reverts "-b" automatically to "-b localhost" :(

              • 4. Re: Server list empty in eclipse, cannot debug!

                OK this is a great saviour: to go in broadcast/testing mode just set the "host name" to and it will go in broadcast. It's in the general information tab, the first label is the "Server name", the seond is the "host name" should be just a custom label but ovverides somehow the launch vm arguments (just open up the launch configuration frome the same panel and look at the vm arguments, they're changed!)
                Hope this can help other collegues having similar troubles.
                Thanks max.andersen to suggest me to double click on the server view, I work in an enterprise dev team with jboss every day and never discovered this feature :)

                • 5. Re: Server list empty in eclipse, cannot debug!

                  It is the values in the server editor that is used to keep the launch config updated - not the other way around.

                  Good you found that now ;)