4 Replies Latest reply on Apr 14, 2005 9:41 AM by thomas.diesler

    Problem with port-component-uri in two ejbs


      I am trying to test backward comp with EJBs that I created under jboss 3.2.4 under JBoss 4.0.2RC1.

      I am able to create an ejb from the old wsdl that and deploy it under jboss-ws and the old client works great.

      I had to use port-component-uri in jboss.xml to change the context to look like the old context that was generated from jboss 3.2.4

      The issue is that I can not have two ejbs with uri that work. The last one works. They have the same base context but differ later in the context.

      I will post both jboss.xml files

      <!DOCTYPE jboss PUBLIC
       "-//JBoss//DTD JBOSS 4.0//EN"

      <!DOCTYPE jboss PUBLIC
       "-//JBoss//DTD JBOSS 4.0//EN"
