5 Replies Latest reply on Apr 22, 2005 3:20 PM by thomas.diesler

    axis tcpmon


      Hi ,
      i try to use tcpmon from axis package , as i see it's done in some examples. I force my client to obtain wsdl from .... : 7070(port) and change ws4ee jboss-service.xml webservice port to 7070 too. Then i start tcpmon and when client invokes ejb tier service by jax-rpc folowing is occured at console :

      E:\golubec\temp>java org.apache.axis.utils.tcpmon 7070 localhost 8080
      java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory
      at org.apache.axis.components.logger.LogFactory.class$(LogFactory.java:4
      at org.apache.axis.components.logger.LogFactory$1.run(LogFactory.java:45
      at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
      at org.apache.axis.components.logger.LogFactory.getLogFactory(LogFactory
      at org.apache.axis.components.logger.LogFactory.(LogFactory.java
      at org.apache.axis.utils.XMLUtils.(XMLUtils.java:76)
      at org.apache.axis.utils.tcpmon$SocketRR.run(tcpmon.java:773)
      at org.apache.axis.utils.tcpmon$SocketRR.run(tcpmon.java:773)
      at org.apache.axis.utils.tcpmon$SocketRR.run(tcpmon.java:773)
      at org.apache.axis.utils.tcpmon$SocketRR.run(tcpmon.java:773)l

      btw invoke is success and client get reply from ejb tier , but at tcpmon i see only client request's headers. where is the other data i wonder and what to do with exceptions?

        • 1. Re: axis tcpmon

          How is this related to JBoss? The exception seems to indicate that commons-logging.jar is missing from your classpath.

          • 2. Re: axis tcpmon

            web services in JBOSS documentation are examined by this way : through tcpmon. So i've thought that at JBOSSWS i can find the people experienced with this utility. I need to analyze SOAP traffic and look for appropriate toolkit. As i see some use Ethereal but unfortunely it doesnt' provide traffic information for localhost.

            • 3. Re: axis tcpmon

              tcpmon is feed by a propriatory Axis handler, which cannot be used in WS4EE. JBossWS exposes the SOAP messages through standard logging.

              • 4. Re: axis tcpmon

                i'm not so strong in JBOSS details and i want to use tcpmon just like external SOAP sniffer - that's all. But i little confused with you post 'cos it's claimed at jbossws-wiki jbossws is based at apache-axis.

                • 5. Re: axis tcpmon

                  True, WS4EE is currently based on a modified version of axis-1.1. This is an implementation detail that will be removed with the JBossWS rewrite.

                  Nevertheless, with WS4EE you *cannot* use an axis handler that feeds tcpmon.

                  You are of course free to use any WS client you like (e.g. standalone axis with tcpmon), but then its not an jboss issue