2 Replies Latest reply on Apr 26, 2005 6:38 PM by jofi

    ws not working in iexplorer


      Its incredible difficult to get this WS thing right...I've compiled a simple WS with wscompile without problems. It deploys without problems. But when pointing my web browser to the WS the only thing i see is:

      And now... Some Services
      * Version (wsdl)
      o getVersion
      * my.ear/myWS.war#PortComponent (wsdl)
      o getRoot

      Trying to access the webservice with a simple axis client i get the Deserializing parameter 'WSDomain': could not find deserializer for type....

      I dont know how long time i've struggeled with this...


        • 1. Re: ws not working in iexplorer

          What specific sections of the StepByStep tutorials do you need clarification with?

          • 2. Re: ws not working in iexplorer

            Since documentliteral does not work properly on jboss (!?) I'm using the rpcliteral. Its possible that the webbrowsers need the first one to work - i dont know...(with 'work' i mean: get fields and buttons to invoke the service :))

            Anyhow, i created a very simple axis client using the axis libraries only and both wscompile and wsdl2java.

            URL url = new URL("http://localhost:8080/myWS/RootDomain?wsdl");
            QName qname = new QName("http://myns", "RootDomainService");
            ServiceFactory factory = ServiceFactory.newInstance();
            Service service = factory.createService(url, qname);
            RootDomain d = (RootDomain)service.getPort(RootDomain.class);

            In the jboss log I see the correct response, but on the client side i get a: SAXException: Deserializing parameter 'WSDomain': could not find deserializer for type {http://myns/types}WSDomain

            I guess this in a client problem and maybe the axis forum is more suited for this kind of trouble...