1 Reply Latest reply on Sep 23, 2005 9:51 AM by thomas.diesler

    Can J2EE application client access Web Services behind a fir


      The WSRPCClient in the Wiki uses JNDI to lookup a web service, it uses the following statement to set up the context:

       env.setProperty(Context.PROVIDER_URL, "jnp://host:1099");

      I wonder if the look up operation could success if the service is behind the firewall.

      How to access the webservice that is behind the firewall using J2EE application client?

      Any link to a page or Yes/No answer is appreciated.

      thanks for your help very much.


        • 1. Re: Can J2EE application client access Web Services behind a

          The client does not access the servers JNDI tree.

          Lets preach this again: Your fat clients or non trivial cmd line apps should run on JBoss. At its bare minimum this buys you nameing/lookup (JNDI) and managment (JMX). These two every non trivial app would need anyway. On top of that you can deploy preconfigured WS4EE clients and don't have to use ugly DII.