3 Replies Latest reply on Sep 28, 2005 7:48 AM by thomas.diesler

    How to go about?



      I am trying to build and use a JAX-RPC webservice using JBOSS 4.0.3RC1. I would like the webservice to have the possibility to upload and download files.

      I think I have found a way using JAX-RPC handlers. I must add a handler on the client and on the server side. The server side was not a problem. I am now trying to add/use a handler on the client application (Webstart Swing). I do not know however how to do this. I have tried doing it programmatically but the JBOSS classes throw an unsupported exception when I call the handlerRegistry.

      I have created an application-client.xml file but I do not see how that might help since I am not able to use it. I must say however that I am trying to address my webservice without using JNDI. I only want to use the HTTP port. Is this possible? Or do I have to use the lookup from the server's JNDI tree?