2 Replies Latest reply on Oct 19, 2005 6:35 PM by thomas.diesler

    ROOT URI Question


      I have single ear file that has two modules (jar files) each having one SLSB webservice enpoint in them (and approprieate DD).

      I specifying a port-component uri of "/xyz/ws/Service1EndpointPort" and the other "/xyz/ws/Service2EndpointPort".

      Either one deployed alone works fine, together one of them get 404 errors when accessing say the wsdl.

      Its seems the root "/xyz/ws/" cannot be shared.

      Is there a way to specify a root context between web-services deployments?

      Note that reason I had to have two modules was because each has their own security domain.

        • 1. Re: ROOT URI Question

          Has anyone successfully used xdoclet to create a


          in the jboss.xml for web services.

          I tried specifying webServicesContextRoot in JBoss subtask and also tried
          the jboss-webservices.ext merge file... with no luck....

          The merge file puts the contents in the wrong place under enterprise-bean element instead of under jboss.

          Any solutions?

          • 2. Re: ROOT URI Question

            When you deploy both endpoints in an EAR, what does the server.log say about where your endpoints are started?