3 Replies Latest reply on Nov 11, 2005 6:03 AM by thomas.diesler

    object inheritance with their schema

      I wrote an interface.

      public interface DataObjectProcess extends Remote

      DataObject jobRequest(DataObject aDataObject) throws RemoteException;


      I also have ReportObject and ExportObject which are the subclass of DataObject. I also need to publish their scheme in wsdl. What is the best way to do this?
      Thank you


        • 1. Re: object inheritance with their schema

          What is the specific question? Are the Step by Step Tutorials not clear enough?

          • 2. Re: object inheritance with their schema


            Thank you very much for your reply.
            My questions are:

            1.) I can use wscompile tool to generate the DataObjetc schema in WSDL. but WSDL doesn't show the ReportDataObject and ExportDataObject schema in WSDL. I supposed WSDL should show all of them together automactlly. How can I generate all inheritance schemas?

            2.) My coworker used Java2WSDL tool to generate the all the schema, But I want to follow the step by step you posted. I found the contents of WSDL file generated by wscompile and by Java2WSDL tool are different. I wonder if the client side shoud use the same tool with server side's.

            3.) if Application of the client side is developed by C++, or perl, what kind of tool to gernerate the server endpoint interface?

            Your tutorial is very good. I learned a lot from it. Thank you again.


            • 3. Re: object inheritance with their schema

              If the subclasses from DataObject are not contained in the transitive closure of the service endpoint interface they would correctly so not appear in WSDL.

              In other words, if the SEI method parameter is a DataObject you would only expect to see the properties of DataObject on the wire even when you pass in an ExportDataObject with potentially many more object properties.