1 2 Previous Next 17 Replies Latest reply on Dec 14, 2005 10:34 AM by mugwump Go to original post
      • 15. Re: Example for using XMLBeans for DataBinding?!

        I tried that, but - at least in this case - it makes no difference on the generated webservice-call. And I'm still getting the very same AxisFault about a xmlns in the envelope. Strangely enough, the header looks fine:

        <env:Envelope xmlns:env="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"

        I will repost this in another thread, maybe someone else has already seen this - but many thx for the help anyway!


        • 16. Re: Example for using XMLBeans for DataBinding?!

          Ok, I investigated this case a little further: This does not look like its a problem of JBoss - I tried to generate my Client with Axis - the Axis-Client works. It shows some warnings about "Ignoring invalid namespace mapping: [prefix=,uri=]", that come from the empty namespaces for elements (e.g. ) that axis generates - but the rest looks ok.

          The Call gets validated against the XSD *before* it arrives in the Port-Implementation, which is fine. Now I have my SOAPElement in

          public void signup(SOAPElement orderElement) throws RemoteException {

          And now I'm looking for a clean and simple way to get to the raw XML from the SOAPElement to parse it back into an XMLBean. I'm surely overlooking something very obvious, but I don't find a simple .getXML() on the SOAPElement...


          PS: I'm still trying to find out, why the wscompile generates a broken client: Using Axis as a Client works, but I'm currently using the generated stubs and I have found no equivalent to the nodatabinding-Option, which gives me the signup(SOAPElement element)-Method on the Client...

          • 17. Re: Example for using XMLBeans for DataBinding?!

            Solved this one: SOAPkit from Soapical (http://soapical.sourceforge.net/soapkit/) has some very nice utilities, that allow you to go from SOAPElement -> String and vice-versa. Converting the SOAPElement to String and then parsing it with XMLBeans now gives me validated&correctly mapped XMLBeans.

            I think I'm done now, so thx to everybody who helped me out!


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