1 Reply Latest reply on Dec 27, 2005 4:24 PM by jason.greene

    JBoss xsd:any mapping



      We are using xsd:any for our webservice to expose a generic interface that will be able to receive different formats of XML.

      When i used wscompile to generate the server side interfaces (etc..) it maps this xsd:any to a single SOAPElement.(we use maxOccurs=1).

      But now when i try to invoke the webservice i get a argument mismatch error.

      On debugging I found that JBoss is deserializing the SOAP XML into an array of SOAPElements (SOAPElements[]) and tries to set it to the binding object with SOAPElement.

      This leads to the IllegalArgumentException.

      Does JBoss not support mapping of xsd:any to a single SOAPElement?

      Any pointers on this will be highly appreciated.Thanks in advance.
